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DDT 2 : 21 When the time has come, you will see how they will come from other peoples and nations to seek you out. Then the men of the great denominations will be concerned that it is not they to whom I have turned. (276,45)



TTT 56 : 19 For the people of today, the world and its pleasures are the meaning of their lives. But soon they will value the spirit more than the body, and the body more than the clothes, and instead of running after worldly glories, they will seek the immortality of the spirit.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

TTT 19 :8 If the Holy Spirit is Wisdom, do you believe that this Spirit exists independently of Christ, when I am Wisdom? Do you think that the "Word" and the Holy Spirit are two different things?

TTT 32 : 76 I want the flame of faith to always burn on your inner altar and you to realize that with your works you are laying the foundations on which the great sanctuary will one day rest. I put all people with their different ideas to the test and work on them, because I will let everyone participate in the erection of my temple. (148,44-48)...

TTT 44 : 32 Come near so that I may raise you to true life and remind you that you were created to give. But as long as you do not know what you carry within you, it will be impossible for you to give to the one who needs it.

Get Ready


TTT 7: 54 There are many religious communities on this earth, but none of them will unite people or cause them to love one another. It will be my spiritual teaching that accomplishes this work. In vain will the world oppose the advance of this light.

Fifty .. fifty


... I didn't wake in vain ... what did my spirit catch last night?

TTT 16: 14 My eternal law has always spoken to you of this love. I told you in the First Times: "You shall love God with all your heart and with all your mind," and "Love your neighbor as yourself.