Sleeps a song in all things
Verse 1: Joseph von Eichendorff (1788 - 1857)
Verse 1: Joseph von Eichendorff (1788 - 1857)
TTT 7 : 53 The time will come when every sect and church will investigate itself to search for what belongs to my work. But in order to find that treasure, it will be necessary for them to lift up their spirits and listen to the voice of conscience. (BTL 12, U. 363, 4 - 8 ; 29)
19 Let your word be like mine, which has been like a fine chisel, incapable of wounding your hearts: It has been caress. The longer you hear it, therefore, the more you feel that it gives you back the lost splendor, because you become more and more understanding and spiritual.
In The Third Testament we hear from the Lord about spiritualism in chapter 47 :
Anna Maria Hosta's previous Blogger blog is expected to be shut down by Google in mid-2024. For this reason, this new blog was launched today.