A look behind the veils

by Anna Maria Hosta - 11/1/2024 -
Quotations from the book HOSTA by Anna Maria Hosta from 2017
Quote from a letter from her husband to Anna Maria Hosta about what Jesus showed him about her. He writes to her as follows:
"There is a dark covering coming over all of Germany, but for now it is an energy. You are tied elsewhere than to your being out of fear. You would have gray veils and your channels would lead elsewhere. You were a prophet in your past life. But the channel is unclear and contaminated (there is talk of an occupation of you). You naturally feel the urge to follow your visions in this life. You mean well, but you are still dwelling in the old world of your previous life. I should let you fly if you want to travel now.
Being born on Good Friday is no reason to assume that you will be unhappy for life – ON THE CONTRARY!
I should let you wander. You would have to find yourself, no matter what you meet on your way through the world. I should see everything through the eyes of love. Including you. You mean well and can't help it. But I could go my way consoled.
You should have saved a people as a prophet in a past life and they didn't listen to you. You once had biblical significance. If a journey would do you good, you could return to Sinai, because that's where you were in a past life for sure."
06/30/2017 - Quote
Anna Maria's husband has a book about the elf 'Gwenedies' and she reads in it and is amazed at the elves. Jesus comments on her as follows:
"If you were only where she is, I could not use you. You are supposed to look at the divine veils of mist, not at Gwenedies."
The divine veils of mist. These are our inner impurities that separate us from the divine as if through a veil and that which reveals itself in the process of inner cleansing.
Jesus says this to her:
"The fire of purification awakens obedience, and obedience is the beginning of love. In this place you suffer pain and agony, let yourself be thrown down not once, but as many times as is necessary, in patience, without grumbling, blaspheming in the deep valley of the spirit. From the torments, obedience is formed and the heart opens to love".
David Wilcock has published a book with Kopp-Verlag: The Mysteries of Ascension
Quote: "Get ready to explore the mysteries of ascension Imagine a life with supernatural, god-like abilities: telepathy, levitation, materialization, time travel. The "veil" between life and death, which had made you forget that you have a greater identity beyond this life, has fallen away. Now you are aware in every moment of your earthly existence that you are a soul experiencing what it means to be human. And your intelligence gives you access to a level and a vastness that you did not know before."
Jesus says:
"You have to penetrate the veils. I would let you go if I could be sure that you would always come back to me."
September 1, 2017
Jesus, I give it to you, the lock in my head. Let me see and hear your voice when you speak to me. Let me penetrate the veils, the mists, and leave them behind me, so that I may recognize you and see you forever. Let us come together again and again and speak to each other in telepathy.
"The creation. Appreciate the creation. Come back to me as soon as you long for it."
I will. Stay with me, Lord, my Beloved, my eternal Love.
"I was always there, you just didn't see it."
During the night, Anna Maria saw behind the veils - in a vision she saw
beautiful landscapes, drenched in gold, beautiful trees, flowers, interwoven with gold. Only Jesus could not be seen.
End of quotations.
Why do we have to penetrate the veil that clouds our view into the clear mirror? How does this veil that clouds our vision come about in the first place?
The above example is an indication that Moses was to lead the people of God through the wilderness, but this people did not listen to Moses. They longed for the fleshpots in the middle of the wilderness, which were still available in Egyptian captivity, so that they did not have to suffer hunger. They spurned the spiritual manna that God let fall down upon them to nourish them, and many perished in the process. So Moses lost faith in the success of his mission and that was the reason why he was not allowed to see the Promised Land, i.e. why he was not allowed to return to his eternal home in the spiritual realm of the Father, because he and the people he was to lead lacked love for the Heavenly Father. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the tablets of stone on which God had written His law before his eyes, he found the people dancing around the golden bull and was appalled. His anger flared and he smashed the two tablets of the Ten Commandments and destroyed the golden calf (Ex 32:15-20).
His anger and unloving behavior are the cause of the veil between him and the Heavenly Father, and Moses must learn to carry out the tasks the Heavenly Father gives him in a level-headed, patient manner and with a loving heart, without becoming unfaithful, without betraying his faith and trust in the loving Heavenly Father, without angering his charges and without denying his spiritual home.
Not even Moses, Abraham, David or Solomon in all their wisdom had insight and knowledge of spiritual life beyond the material world. This knowledge was first revealed to us by Jesus Christ, and even then, humanity in the second era was not so spiritually developed that they could understand these teachings. But today, in our time, humanity is receptive and ready for these teachings, for the teachings of the Holy Spirit about the reality of the spiritual life in the other world. Many people are ready for spirituality and open to developing their spiritual abilities and thinking outside the box, to penetrate the veils of ignorance and to penetrate deeper into the deeper truths behind the veil of ignorance. They are ready to discover themselves and to penetrate deeper into the spiritual reality that lies hidden within them, to experience who they really are and what their spiritual destiny is, and that is love. Love alone creates the connection to the Heavenly Father and the prerequisite for the return home and return to their place of origin in the Heavenly Father's realm of peace.
So one morning the Heavenly Father woke me up with a little song that he sang in my spirit with the words:
"Every day, heaven gives you light, my friend, and deep peace."
This was the starting point where I began to compose spiritual songs and I thought that it would be easier to get people excited about a song than about reading the writings I was spreading that the Father had given me.
Humanity is deeply divided and disappointed by the teachings of the Church and turns away brusquely as soon as one wants to speak to them of Christ, of the Father, of God. The church has not told them anything about the spiritual world, not even that they have a soul. Google has banned me from using the word soul as a keyword, among other things. They banned me as an advertiser on the grounds that I was distributing Christian content when they introduced their new product Gemini, so I turned my back on Google and went other ways. I created a new homepage bypassing Google Ads. This homepage has its own integrated analysis and this is included in the price and I can save myself the trouble of promoting my site and use it mainly in the social media.
At night, when our body sleeps, our soul detaches itself from it and our mind visits the spiritual realities. There it finds light and nourishment for the soul, which brings this light to the body to show it the way forward. It visits its spiritual home and meets the spiritual worlds in the realm of the Heavenly Father and goes behind the veil to search for the truth and to recognize what is really important, without its view being obscured and confused by material obstacles.
After a restful sleep, we feel recharged with new strength and vigor and start the new day with renewed courage. Behind the veil, the soul received inspiration, new insights and realizations from the spirit, and it now inspires the mind, enlightening it with new insights and realizations, ideas and expanded knowledge or light.
During meditation, we let go of everything on the outside to free our minds. Signals may then also come from the body, which our mind can observe and look at patiently, perhaps eventually discovering that they have disappeared and we have lifted this veil.
When we work in the garden or exercise in the great outdoors, we free our minds through our breath and connect with the divine that permeates and revitalizes everything.