Call me Father

We humans have given God many names. However, He has said that we should not give Him a name because that limits Him. But whatever is right is to call Him Father. When I asked Him how I should address Him, He answered:
"Call me Father."
And that is the name that describes what God really is. For he is the Father of all beings and worlds because he created them all. He created them for the sole purpose of loving them all and being loved by all. And many of us have emerged from God as spirit beings since the beginning of time and are as old as all of creation. We are endowed with the characteristics of God and are similar to him. We have been to many worlds in the universe to learn, develop our abilities, unfold our virtues, and strive for perfection. But learning will never end and we will always have new experiences and continue to develop. Our goal is to return to what we came from, to God, to become one with his spirit and to be with him, to receive his orders, which are pure love, and to bathe in his love.
When we hear about Jehovah, about Jesus, about the Holy Ghost, then it is always about the same entity. Jehovah was called God by the children of God, the law giver, who as Moses brought us the divine law in the early days. God said to Moses:
"I am your law, your God and you shall have no other laws (not gods, that is a forgery by the Baal church in Rome) besides me."
When we speak of Jesus, we mean the God of Love, because the mission of Jesus in the SECOND TIME was to convey to us the God of Love and Mercy. He became a human being and as such He exemplified the works of love and mercy for us and spoke of them as the WORD. With John, He got to the heart of the matter, whose favorite words on Patmos were:
"Love one another!"
John was perfect in love and was not killed, like the other apostles, but received secret knowledge about the future of humanity - the revelations of John. But they were probably misused and reinterpreted by the dark forces, otherwise they would not have remained in the Bible, such as the revelations through Enoch, these were removed from the Bible because they contain great secrets of creation that we should not know.
And Jesus said:
"He who has seen me has seen the Father. Love one another as I have loved you."
In the SECOND TIME, Jesus said to his disciples:
"I still have many things to say to you, but you are not yet able to bear them. But when the Paraclete comes, whom I will send to you, he will guide you into all the truth."
Jesus kept this promise. On September 1, 1866, a man named Roche Rojas was ordained in a suburb of Mexico City. He was, as in the days of John the Baptist, the same spirit, the spirit of Elijah, the forerunner of the coming of the Lord. He founded places of assembly and voice-bearers were trained who, from 1884 to 1950, over several generations, transmitted the message received in the spirit through the divine ray as mouthpieces who spoke in tongues and their words were written down. This is how The Book of True Life in 12 volumes came into being, and from this, at the behest of Christ, a compendium was created that was to be left to humanity as The Third Testament.
The Third Testament contains nothing less than the teaching of the Holy Spirit, the science of spiritualization. Spiritualization could also be called the internet of the spirit, which does not need satellites because it happens from spirit to spirit. The highest form of communication from spirit to spirit is the dialogue of the human spirit with the spirit of God the Father. And once people have realized that all other paths always involve failure and only this path will lead them to fulfillment and peace, it will be the basis for peaceful coexistence among people and all creatures that share the Earth as their living space.
The Father does not condemn anyone, because it is conscience that opens our eyes to the mistakes we have made, which can then make us weep. But the Father transforms all these weaknesses in us and turns them into something valuable and wonderful that will amaze us. His goal is always to help us develop, flourish and grow. He works in secret, so we do not see it, but He is always there, because our conscience is the divine spark that He has placed in us as our spirit guide and this spark is God Himself.