Currently geomagnetic solar storms
TTT 18 : 15 Apparent charity can give you many satisfactions on earth, which come from the admiration you arouse and the flattery you receive; but the apparent does not enter my kingdom, only the true enters there. You will all get there without being able to conceal the slightest defilement or dishonesty. For before you can appear before God, you will have laid aside your gala cloaks, crowns, insignia, titles and all that belongs to the world in order to appear before the Supreme Judge as simple spiritual beings who give an account before the Creator of the task entrusted to them. (75, 22 - 24)
In the last few days, violent solar storms have been occurring, which could already be observed as auroras in Germany on March 23, 2024.
Solar flares are currently hitting the Earth with a wind speed of up to approx. 900 km/s. as a G 4 geomagnetic storm.
Three weeks ago there was a video by Birgit Fischer in which these solar flares were already predicted at that time. (From min. 13:55)
Turning points, solar flares and karma - prophecies March 2024 (in german)
Last night I woke up at 2:22 am and saw in my mind a tremendous shaking - like an earthquake where the tops of skyscrapers were shaken so hard that they collapsed.
After that, individual words rose up in my mind that were references to troops trembling on the nearby Black Sea coast (possibly a reference to the attack in Russia, presumably by IS fighters). Furthermore, there were references to a possible scenario in London, a hint that there could be an end to the trade as a repeat of what happened at Leman Brothers.