Germany will shine
In the evening, A.M. prays to the Heavenly Father for Pavel Durov, the arrested Telegram founder. Around 11:30 p.m. she receives a YouTube video from her husband that he has been released from custody on bail and is free again.
Today the Lord gave me this scripture, he said 45, 42
TTT 45: 42 If you fathom my word, you will understand that the Father's purpose in sending you into the world to walk in its ways full of dangers and temptations was not that you should go astray in them. For they were designed in advance so that you would receive the necessary lessons for the development of the spirit, to give you the experience you lacked, and finally to let you return to Me full of light.
Yes, it is a years-long struggle to make the right decisions about good and meaningful shared pleasures and to act accordingly and the Father still says:
"Use the time you have left."
Germany will shine
TTT 45 : 24 Take it rightly when I tell you that no leaf of the tree moves without my will; then you will know when it is I who is testing you and when you empty your cup of suffering - in order to accuse me afterwards. Then you will become judges and make Me the accused.
My husband and I are currently grappling with how to finance our retirement and this can escalate into panic attacks. A.M. is trying to approach the matter with her conscious mind and is becoming calmer and more confident.
This morning she hears God speaking to her in the spirit, saying:
"I need you."
"Migrants are coming away ... completely."
"Germany will shine."