God promised Israel the land ... to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ... forever

Abraham and Lot part and God promises Abraham the land forever
Abraham and Lot part and God promises Abraham the land forever


Anna Maria Hosta

TTT 58 : 67 All that I have created has not been for Me, but for My children. I only want your joy, your eternal bliss. (18, 60 - 61)

First a video from

Amanda Grace - Prophetic Word ( 4 Signs & a Vision) ... Mens hearts will tremble (in English)

It is about the solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 and the events surrounding Israel, Gaza and Iran ...


Another word from the Lord about the 100% bounce rate among visitors to my homepage since April 16, 2024. The Lord said to me:

They don't dig to the middle of the peace of the garden. Desert!"

The visitors do not come to the Father. They are a waterless desert - without the WORD that heals.

They no longer dig for your water at all, O Father, not one of the 400 visitors.

"Don't let put you down."


I woke up around 4:31 and heard the Master's heart racing violently in my heart and he said:

"Natural disaster ... o Maria."

Then he showed me in a vision how hills protruding from the sea alternately move up and down like small boats in the water.

"Now is fulfilled what Christ said."

"15 meters."

I see the Lord with both hands pouring masses of earth into a trench, in from the left, then in from the right and he says:

"I work hard."

He is shoveling the torn up earth with his hands with great effort and completely out of breath.

I also saw him once in a vision digging a coronal hole in the sun with his hand.

Once again I ask him about the 100% bounce rate? Why? He says:

"Stay. I'm going to do something. It's cracking."

4/21/2024 around 2:55 a.m.

After watching the Amanda Grace video (2 hrs) before bed and not going to bed until 0:30 am, I woke up again around 2:55 am and heard in my heart,

how the Lord's heart is racing and he says:

"The Dome!"

He means the Iron Dome in Jerusalem, the Israeli missile defense system. I wonder if Iran has now blown it up as a new retaliatory measure.

"Event .... Gathering ... the entire world ... the end ... food war ... now it's your turn."

I sit up in bed, very tired, and start to pray - then I get a stomach ache.

After a while the Lord says.

"Bomb shelter"

(You will go to the bomb shelter)

"Innocent" (Mary)

"Cruzified" (Christ)

He takes this as an offering.

Then I see him calming Netanyahu down with his two hands, so that he calms down again.

He thinks ... it will have an impact in the Pacific, on the East Coast, in Australia, everywhere in Asia, in Europe,

and then says:


That means no nuclear war, but invasion by the military.

I turned on the internet this morning to see if anything had actually happened with the Iron Dome. No. The last report in Israel's news was that in Israel's counterattack on Iran, all of Iran's weapons equipment was destroyed and it said underneath that it was a hoax. Nothing more was reported.

Amanda Grace implies that Putin will stand by Iran and if that happens, then both Iran and Putin will be flattened so that they will never rise again.

The Lord also told me some time ago that He will bring Putin to the earth in the valley of Sukkot (Jordan land)

Further Amanda Grace says (scriptures etc. in the video) that the Palestinians go back to Ishmael (son of Abraham and Hagar, the handmaid of Sarah, so half Arab, half Israelite) and that ISLAM is a derivative of Ishmael. She goes on to say that the Palestinians have been given a window of opportunity to turn to the true and only God. 

I know that Jesus appeared to many in Gaza and that many have accepted him as the Messiah.

Iran is ESAU.

Esau casually relinquished his birthright to Jacob in exchange for a dish of lentils - it was worth nothing to him - he preferred to take up with Arab women and relinquish his birthright - this was also God's plan for Jacob, the second born of the twins.

Trump wanted to mediate so that both Israel and the Palestinians could live together peacefully, but the plan has failed. They are insurmountable enemies and cannot live together peacefully in the same state.

In fact, the land of Israel was promised by God to the descendants of Isaac (half-brother of Ishmael and son of Abraham and Sarah) and Jacob (son of Isaac) forever. 

And Nethaniahu is an instrument of God and enjoys His protection. Therefore, the Iranian bombs have almost all been repelled. Even Saudi Arabia joined in the defense - the unforeseen, as Amanda says.

Around 9:30, the father said this:

"Lucifer is losing just at this moment ... the congress ... the court."

Unfortunately, I can't verify that at the moment ....

"Only a few days ... stay with this day and night."

Let us pray for the peace of the Lord in the coming days and for his protection and blessing in these days.