III. The Tibetans - Bhothiya, unifier of opposites


Excerpt from: Die Menschheitslüge – Wer wir wirklich sind

by Ina Maria von Ohr 

The yellow people are the people who unite and balance all opposites. Their name is Bhotiya, which means Tibetan in our language. They can bring all things, beings and circumstances into harmony.

The area of distribution of the


as far as it has been assigned to them by creation, includes present-day Tibet, China, Japan, North and South Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and the northern part of Borneo. It also includes a narrow strip of land that stretches from Tibet westwards to Anatolia in what is now Turkey, but which was settled by foreign peoples who intermingled with each other to such an extent that it is impossible to identify them precisely today. This may have been the reason why Tibetan tribes moving westwards plundered and pillaged in these areas. They must have sensed that it was actually the territory of their own people through which they were moving. However, the area of today's Mongolia, which is now populated by Tibetans, is not part of the Tibetans' assigned settlement area, but that of the German people. The Tibetans only took possession of this area after the Germans had left these regions due to the ongoing famines.

The Ottomans

are a Tibetan tribe. Unfortunately, they have become very mixed over the course of time due to the constant passage of other peoples, so that today it is almost impossible to make an exact classification. The name "Ottoman" is by no means the original name of this tribe, but merely a geographical designation for the "Eastern Men". The actual name of this tribe still needs to be researched. The legendary


are also a Tibetan tribe. They are a sub-tribe of the Xiongnu, who split off due to disputes with other tribes and moved westwards. Here too, attempts have been made for some time to falsify the historical development. Modern science no longer sees itself in a position to provide proof of the Huns' origins and in some cases even doubts their name. A few historians still hold the opinion on the origin of the Huns that was presented at the beginning, but are increasingly falling behind. The fact that it is supposedly impossible to say where the Huns came from and who they were means that once again a small chapter of human ancestry is being closed and consigned to oblivion.

The Uyghurs

are also a Tibetan tribe. In ancient times they were very important and the bearers of an advanced civilization. In the period before the Dark Ages, the Uyghurs spoke the sacred language of the Tibetans and were leaders in various fields of science and civil engineering. At that time they were settled. Their cities were splendid and were characterized by great prosperity. At that time, some of the people were also active as traders. Today, this intelligent and once very learned tribe is scattered - a significant proportion even live as nomads; however, there are the beginnings of a renewed urban way of life.

The Chinese

are not a tribe of Tibetans, but only the inhabitants of the Chinese Empire, which in earlier times was also called the Qin Empire after its founder. Here, once again, the memory of the people of their actual ancestry was to be erased and the actual names of the tribes of this giant empire were to be forgotten as quickly as possible.

The terracotta army of Xian

Unfortunately, all peoples within the Dark Age have abused their abilities by using them against other peoples or even against parts of their own population. The Tibetan people (Bhotiya) were no exception, even though they possessed significant abilities. Their ruler Qin Shihuangdis, who is also regarded as the first emperor of China, was characterized by a great desire for power. He wanted to subjugate other Tibetan tribes with an army that could not be defeated in order to build a large and powerful empire in which all the Bhotiya tribes would be united. For this reason, he had a large army, including horses, chariots and all weapons, made from terracotta and gave the priesthood the task of magically connecting the clay soldiers with the living soldiers, thereby making them invulnerable. The souls of the warriors were to remain in the clay figures during their absence until the mission had been fulfilled and the warriors had returned victorious and safe and sound. Today's interpretation of the terracotta army as accompanying the ruler into the realm of his ancestors must be regarded as incorrect. At the place where the clay soldiers and their equipment were set up, there was also accommodation for the soldiers going into battle in the form of a huge army camp in which there was a constant coming and going. Their physical proximity to the clay soldiers was necessary for the magical connections to be effective. These were based on ancient sacred knowledge, only they were misused to do evil. The army was to attack, kill people, gain territory, subjugate whole kingdoms and spread fear and terror. Despite these reprehensible intentions, the undertakings were successful because the underlying sacred acts were carried out in the tried and tested form handed down from ancient times. They therefore achieved their purpose and helped this man of power to succeed. Qin Shihuangdi also repeatedly resorted to the services of the priesthood for the establishment of his civil service state. For their part, the officials repeatedly cracked down on attempts to break up or secede the conquered territories. They ruled with a heavy hand, using the "arts" of the priests. Emperor Qin Shihuangdi was laid to rest with the clay soldiers because they had helped him to achieve his great success and the fame that came with it.

The caves of Huangshan

were not only built and operated by Tibetans, but by a large number of different people belonging to different ethnic groups. The caves were carved into the ground around 12,000 years before our era. At that time, as already mentioned, there was a high time on earth from a technological and spiritual point of view. Science was much more advanced than it is today, as all peoples were still working on their task and using their special knowledge to explore and follow the laws of creation. Unfortunately, the peoples of that time were at least as quarrelsome as they are today and waged numerous wars against each other. At times they became downright overconfident and very arrogant, indeed they considered themselves so important that they compared themselves to gods. The conflicts in which they were involved were correspondingly numerous, and the battles to assert their respective interests were particularly disadvantageous due to the high technology of the time. The caves of Huangshan were the base camp of an army command. A number of states had joined forces here to assert their interests by military means. The main command center of this association was also located in these caves. At that time, people were able to move around with the help of flying machines - even without the help of extraterrestrial powers. Some of these looked like cigars without any wings worth mentioning or like small, compact airplanes. Humans were able to use them to fly into the upper layers of the atmosphere. However, it was not possible for them to leave the earth's atmosphere. The caves of Huangshan were partly used as hangars for the flying machines. They also provided space for several thousand soldiers who were involved in maintenance and flight operations. The walls of the caves had recesses in the form of lines so that little or no noise could penetrate the surroundings. At that time, it was possible for people to detect sounds in the earth and thus also locate their source. The Etruscans and the Indians were particularly adept at this. These subterranean hangars were top-secret and widely shielded. Normal people could not simply walk into them - just as they cannot walk into restricted military areas today. There were many similarities with today's military bases, only the technical possibilities were different from today, and in some cases certainly much more advanced. But in the end, all that came out of it was death and destruction. The aircraft were mainly used to spy on the enemy from a great height and to determine targets for attack. We are also familiar with this from modern times. How to attack was then decided afterwards. This human heyday came to an end for the Tibetans - both in terms of the good aspects and the bad aspects mentioned above - with the fall of the plate in the Atlantic and the North Sea.

The holy place of the Tibetans

is the central highlands of Tibet. Here lies the key to happiness for the Chinese and the other Asian ethnic groups and tribes of the yellow people. In Tibet, too, there are still people who secretly guard, preserve and protect the knowledge and wisdom of the yellow people. The Dalai Lama is not the guardian of the wisdom of the yellow people, but he is aware of this and supports efforts to return to the original tasks by providing help and protection from outside. The Tibetan Holy Place of Power imparts to the yellow people of the Bhotiya all knowledge about the connection of the respective opposites into a whole and shows how opposites can be combined into a unity. He teaches everything about how below and above, sorrow and joy, height and depth and all other opposites can be brought into balance. Whoever masters this is the master of inner and outer balance, happiness, contentment and peace. For the Bothiva (Tibetans), the four elements and the four cardinal points play a central role in almost all areas of life. Be it architecture with the corresponding interior design, healing methods or the general orientation of each individual's life; they see and understand everything in terms of the elements and their spatial position.

The nature and task of the elements.

As most people - at least those in the western world - are no longer aware of what elements actually are and what their role is in the overall creation, I would like to explain the essentials in brief:

Elements have the same properties and tasks in all places in our universe. They ensure the existence of life in the physical realm.


is a single and uniform living being. Even on the most distant celestial bodies in our universe, water is just as much a part of it as every single drop of rain that falls from the sky. The main task of water is to ensure communication between all life and to maintain it at all times. On this basis, knowledge transfer will be able to take place in the future, as the possibilities for this are already provided by the nature of water.

At temperatures of up to 42 degrees Celsius, water is able to store recorded messages so that they are available for retrieval at any other location. A human being dies from a body temperature of 42 degrees Celsius, because from then on it is no longer possible to pass on or exchange messages within the human being, i.e. all life-sustaining bodily processes are interrupted.

The breakdown of the structure is triggered by the heat-related interruption of the flow of knowledge, which is then followed by damage to the tissue. From a pressure of 2.3 bar, the water dies. Such a "water corpse" is also no longer able to store messages or make them available again. Due to the treatment with pressure, most drinks in today's industrialized world - and this includes homogenized milk as well as almost all mineral waters and drinks - and this includes homogenized milk as well as almost all mineral waters and many juices - and all tap water are no longer able to support life processes in the human body. Nowadays, almost all drinks are processed at high pressure. Tap water is usually forced into the pipes at a pressure of 4-6 bar. This is another reason why "civilization diseases" are on the increase. In reality, these have nothing to do with civilization, but rather with poisoning and other diverse causes.


is not a uniform living being, but each newly emerging fire is independent and has its own task to fulfill. All fires in the entire universe are responsible for purifying impure things and thereby bringing them closer to truth, light and love - which are all parts of God. This makes it possible to give fires certain tasks and ask them to purify a certain event or situation. A fire lit with this purpose will then work accordingly. For this reason, for example, peace fires are very helpful, as they transform the forces that prevent peace and render them harmless.

The earth

and this does not refer to our planet, but to the basic material, is also sacred, as are all other elements, but is not a single living being. All solid substances, regardless of their nature and composition, form the earth. It has the task of producing all things that a living being can conceive of so that everything can be lived and experienced. Every object created by thoughts and corresponding words - even human bodies are only objects in this respect - has its own life and being after completion. For this reason, it is possible to "talk" to all things and objects and cause them to behave in certain ways that are within their capabilities. Everyone can try this for themselves, and they will be surprised when an object sometimes repairs itself or, if asked to do so, also breaks free. Diseases can be overcome by addressing the diseased part of the body - such as a foot or hand - and causing it to resume its normal function. This approach may well be superior to the usual methods of healing. In general, the above applies to the entire universe.


includes all gaseous states - i.e. all gases, including the air we breathe, but also the space between the stars and planets of the universe, which, contrary to popular belief, is not empty but more or less filled with gas. The gases are not a uniform living being, but each type of gas in the entire universe is a separate living being. Air has the creative task of establishing the connection between all life and other worlds outside our universe. However, it cannot and does not have to establish a connection with God; rather, every living being is able to establish a direct connection with Him independently.

From the realm above the earth

the yellow people learn how the four elements (fire, air, earth, water) in the space above the earth (in the air) can be balanced by connecting with each other. The space above the earth (in the air) can be balanced by connecting with each other. The Sacred Place of Power conveys how water and wind, fire (lightning) and air or water (rain) and earth can be harmoniously combined so that no misfortunes occur. Even the sun and moon are brought together to harmonize the opposing forces of the heavenly bodies. All things that need to be harmonized above the earth can be named and thus connected and balanced.

In the area on earth

the Holy Place teaches the Tibetans how the four elements can contribute to the balance and harmony of all being through their connection on earth. Everything about balancing the elements in bodies can be taken from it, including every possibility for achieving holistic harmony and health in living beings. Plants, stones and ores can be used as remedies with the help of the sacred place in order to bring existing imbalances in the body back into harmony in a gentle but very effective way. This makes comprehensive herbal and mineral medicine possible. Heat and cold can also be combined and used in treatments for the benefit of people.

The area on earth provides yellow people with knowledge about the correct balance of forces in gardens, parks, houses and homes and shows where a suitable place is to build a house, how it should be aligned, where doors and windows should be installed in the right place and how homes should be furnished to best promote the well-being of their users, which suitable plants should be selected and how they should be arranged within the home in order to achieve the greatest harmony; because living in harmony is the key to inner peace. The area on earth provides information on how the masculine and feminine can be connected and balanced. Both the feminine and masculine components remain equally weighted. Neither part is favored or even suppressed at the expense of the other, as is all too often the case today. The Sacred Place also gives indications when the masculine or feminine has too much weight and provides solutions for amicable coexistence. It also provides knowledge on how to achieve the highest pleasure in the most intimate union without neglecting love. In all situations in life, he provides knowledge about the connection of opposites and the possibilities of balancing them and achieving the highest harmony. This also applies to art and music. The theory of color and harmony can be queried, as can the structure of a picture or a piece of music. The Tibetan can achieve a perfect education in all the arts by acquiring knowledge of them from his holy place.

In the realm beneath the earth

the Sacred Place provides its people with comprehensive knowledge of the connection and balance of the four elements in the lower realm (space) of the earth. It holds the knowledge of how and how much material can be taken from Mother Earth without overexploitation and what must be given in order to compensate for this. This knowledge is important for mining, for example, in order to avoid imbalances that can lead to mining accidents. The sacred place knows about the interplay of the waters beneath the earth and the connection The sacred place knows about the interplay of the waters beneath the earth and the connection between these two elements. It also holds the knowledge of the interaction of the fire contained in magma with the earth as well as the fire with the water, from the combination of which geysers, for example, arise. He provides information about the different densities of certain areas under the earth and about the relationships between them so as not to jeopardize the harmony of the earth. He also teaches that gold is an indispensable component for the healthy existence of the earth and explains how this extremely important metal must be distributed on and in the earth in order to ensure a uniform degree of brightness of the earth. If this is not the case, but the gold is gathered at only a few collection points, as is the case today, this has a considerably detrimental effect on the health of the earth and thus on the well-being of us all.

The sacred language

of the yellow people Bhotiya is the sacred language of the Tibetans. Tibetan itself, on the other hand, is an Ottoman language. It was also the original language of the Ottomans (Turks belonged to the Ottomans and they in turn belonged to the Tibetans). Today's Tibetan is a subspecies of the actual sacred language of the Tibetans. The sacred script of the Tibetans is the so-called bronze script. It is a preliminary form of today's Chinese script and Japanese script. Both modern forms have developed from this ancient script. The bronze script was used for inscriptions on bronze objects around 4,000 years ago. Research is still needed to bring this ancient script back to light. Until then, it would be very useful for the great Tibetan people to write in a Chinese script that is as diversely structured as possible.

The people of the yellow nation, when they connect with the knowledge of their sacred place, are masters of serenity. They find a balance for every contradiction, as they are always aware of what is missing or what is too much. They can bring inner and outer peace to all other peoples. They are like scales among the peoples. Beauty, harmony and peace are on their banner.

The Tibetans sacrificed

by burning or burning incense and similar resins. Incense is a sacred resin that balances the forces present in a room. For this reason, incense (consecrated smoke) is still used in Christian churches today to fumigate the altar area in order to banish evil forces. Consequences of the destruction of the Tibetans The yellow people, the Tibetans, have now almost completely lost access to their sacred place. In fact, the Chinese are currently busy eradicating their own (Tibetan) sacred language and killing the people they suspect still have knowledge of the ancient wisdom. They have reversed the effect of the four elements by adding a "fifth element, the 'metal', probably to make it impossible to balance the elements. In doing so, they have caused confusion in the doctrine and suppressed the knowledge of balance through the combination of natural substances. However, it is not possible to destroy the relevant laws and circumstances, as this knowledge is part of creation and continues to work properly even when no one is aware of it.

The various tribes of Tibetans - the yellow people - are currently busy separating instead of connecting. By separating things, the "dark forces" have many opportunities to bring suffering to the people. The Tibetans and especially the "Chinese", "Cambodians" and "Thais" are chasing after money without respecting traditional customs and traditions. This makes it even easier for them to be influenced by the dark side, especially as they generally do not take the time to fathom the meaning of life. They even teach young children how to speculate and earn money. For them, money has become an end in itself; everything else is subordinated to it.

Even the loving coexistence of man and woman is often no longer known there. Because they have forgotten to be masters of unity and harmony, the contrasts are currently becoming very apparent. The rich are getting richer, the poor remain poor.

The country is being poisoned and is in no way balanced.

The land of the Japanese is also being poisoned by radioactivity and no longer provides a basis for happiness and contentment. Only the people who still live in Tibet today are trying to oppose this and are therefore being mercilessly persecuted and subjugated. Tibet is also being ruthlessly exploited; efforts are even being made to take away the water from the country, which is one of the most precipitous regions on earth

Educational success, which is more about learning today's views and official scientific findings than about developing and discovering new things, is very important. For the children, this means: learning, learning, learning. Schools and parents work a lot with drill and punitive measures. One learning subject, for example, is economic defense. The children are taught to create advantages for themselves using all available means. Human coldness is the obvious consequence of such training. Adults are persuaded to work to exhaustion and beyond. Such societies can be controlled well, indeed excellently.

Among the Chinese, gambling addiction - especially gambling for money - is a detrimental outgrowth of this inordinate pursuit of money. This can completely dominate people and put them in a state of excitement and over-excitement from which they find it difficult to free themselves without help. This is also desired and supported by the dark forces.

The Tibetans should let go of their exclusive pursuit of wealth and power and instead give everyone the valuable gifts they have so abundantly at their disposal. The herbal pharmacy with its many possibilities, indeed the whole of Chinese medicine, is such an unimaginable treasure. Combined with healthy food - even in restaurants - the Tibetans would be able to balance ying and yang in everyone. General health would be strengthened and many illnesses would disappear. How wonderful it would be if the yellow Tibetan people were to return to their roots, rekindle the balance, union and connection of opposites, speak their sacred language again and teach all peoples to be happy, as was once the custom in the Land of Smiles.