IV. The Atlanteans - people of sacred geometry and connectors to other star peoples

Sacred Valley
Sacred Valley

Excerpt from: The lie of humanity - Who we really are

by Ina Maria von Ohr

They are the people of the bronze people, the mathematicians, teachers of sacred geometry and mediators to the other star peoples.

Their task is to bring sacred mathematics, sacred geometry and the knowledge of the other star peoples who are benevolent to humans to Earth and make it accessible to all people. They also establish the connection to extraterrestrial life. The name Atlantis does not refer to a city or to the Atlantean people, but in very ancient times referred to a part of the earth that lay in what is now the Atlantic Ocean.

This included the entire so-called Atlantic Ridge. It therefore stretched from South America to the Altair group. In the course of the tides, various natural events caused large parts of this continent to sink. The island chains that remained were still called Atlantis. Today, only a few islands remain, and they are still far apart from each other. Atlantis itself has perished. Its name remains to this day in the form of the Atlantic Ocean. Apart from that, a number of more or less true tales and legends surround this land and its former inhabitants.

Distribution area of the Atlanteans

The Atlanteans had a large island empire in the middle of the Atlantic. This included Madeira with the Azores as well as the archipelago of the Azores. The Canary Islands, on the other hand, were not part of the Atlantean settlement area, although their inhabitants traded with them. To the south, the Atlanteans' area of distribution ran along the Atlantic Ridge as far as present-day Sao Paulo. To the north, the area ended approximately at the Altäirkuppe. As they were skilled seafarers, the Atlanteans even sailed as far as Greenland and Iceland. The most important religious and governmental events took place on three main islands that lay to the west in the Atlantic Ocean off the Strait of Gibraltar and the coastal areas of Portugal. These islands emerged from a curved tongue of land that was originally connected to the continental shelf of Europe. Earthquakes caused parts of it to sink into the sea, leaving only the main Atlantic islands, which were never part of the Atlantic continent. They were also mistakenly called Atlantis by foreigners.

Their empire was not ruled or administered by kings or emperors; rather, priests held the highest position in the state. They maintained spiritual connections with extraterrestrial peoples and received both spiritual and scientific advice from them. The Atlanteans were also able to establish contact with high spiritual beings, who also helped them to bring astronomical and mathematical knowledge to Earth and put it to use.

The extraterrestrial peoples who were in contact with the Atlanteans at that time still had the welfare of the Earth's population in mind. Strangely enough, the Atlanteans did not travel across the ocean to North or Central America. The distances without touching land were probably too far for their trading ships. Perhaps they were also aware of the imponderables of the Bermuda Triangle. However, their priests sailed from an island near Sao Paulo to South America to the Mayas and Incas in order to exchange knowledge with these peoples. The Atlanteans also settled in Portugal and Spain. The Iberians living there were and still are an Atlantean tribe. The Portuguese and Spanish are the direct descendants of the Iberians and therefore also Atlanteans. Northern Africa along the Mediterranean was also heavily colonized and mixed with the tribes of the Urartian Caldeans living there. As the Atlanteans traded extensively with these areas, many of their people settled in the flourishing cities and brought their families there or founded new ones, so that the proportion of Atlanteans in the local population increased considerably.

The fall of their island kingdom

Just in time before the natural disaster that caused the downfall of their island empire, the Atlanteans increasingly flocked to the Mediterranean region and settled not only in coastal Africa but also in the Near East and Greece, especially on the islands. Their leading priests even provided the leadership of the country in Egypt. Pharaohs later emerged from them. As a result of the huge natural catastrophe that destroyed their island empire - only the Iberian Peninsula, Madeira and a few smaller islands had survived as their settlement area - the sacred place of this people, which was located on one of the three main islands, perished. The sinking of the islands was not caused by a comet, but by a deformation of the Earth's surface, which moved on an unimaginable scale, affecting not only the Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, but the entire globe. The resulting violent fluctuations in the earth's surface triggered huge tidal waves that raised the sea level by 300 meters in some places. Islands and low-lying areas on the other side of the earth were also flooded. Mountains rose, other regions sank.

This global deluge was caused by the moon. At that time, it had emerged from the vastness of space and had come so close to the Earth that enormous forces collided, triggering these changes. At that time, the moon was already a dead planet that no longer had any light of its own. The "dark forces" living in it had brought about its demise at a time when it was still in other parts of the universe. However, they were and are still able to dwell in it and were also able to direct this celestial body to a small extent during its flight through space. They had to use all their skills to achieve such a docking with the Earth. The encounter between the Earth and the Moon heralded the arrival of some of the visible "dark forces" in the Earth's vicinity. The docking of such a huge dead celestial body with the earth deprived the earth of some of its power. The corpse of the moon bound large parts of the earth's power through its gravitational pull alone. This resulted in an immediate strong lowering of the Earth's vibration.

A further consequence of these events was the worldwide decline of the advanced civilizations of the time. No nation was able to maintain its level of knowledge; the loss of possessions, goods and lives was too great.

The sacred place of the Atlanteans

A people needs its sacred place to survive. Without it, they can no longer access omniscience. As a result, the people become leaderless and can hardly achieve the inner strength to prevent abuse by foreign powers and beings, so that they end up in a slave existence. Since the Atlanteans knew about these connections and had already heard about the arrival of the moon long before the Flood, they realized that they had to remedy the situation in some way. They did this by creating an artificial place of power in Egypt. The Atlanteans themselves provided the majority of the workers (builders), without using slaves. Urartian Chaldeans and Nubians were also involved in the construction of the building. All workers were adequately paid. Technical equipment and machines that we no longer have today were used to make the work easier and to carry out the precision work that was required. The knowledge of the world's population at that time was considerably more extensive than it is today.

The pyramid complex around the pyramid of Cheops

was the new power place of the Atlanteans. The construction of the buildings, which also included the similar pyramids near the Pyramid of Cheops, was intended to be as solid and durable as possible in order to prevent damage caused by human intervention or the forces of nature for as long as possible. This was because serious damage could have severely disrupted the new place of power. The work was carried out with the help of highly developed machines and the individual stone blocks were worked so precisely that they could be joined together almost seamlessly. The stones were also transported using machines and balloons that are unknown today. All the aids were designed and built by humans alone, without the need for any other help, such as extraterrestrial help.

As already mentioned elsewhere, the engineers of the time were able to reduce the weight of the stones during transportation and thus make their movement possible in the first place. Only in the plans for the construction of the pyramids were they supported and advised by higher extraterrestrial peoples and spiritual beings.

The main structure is the pyramid of Cheops itself, in which the main power of the sacred place is concentrated. The effect is particularly enhanced by the arrangement of the surrounding pyramids and their very well thought-out and calculated construction. This also includes the extensive underground facilities. All the pyramids were conceived by priests at the same time and built according to a uniform plan and represent a complete work in which the cult of the dead or initiation rites never played a role. It is a purely technical installation for the generation of very powerful energies. The contrary views of today's science would probably have led to a certain amount of amusement among the builders. The entire system works like a large generator. It attracts forces, amplifies them and releases them again. The energies generated are so strong that they can be felt all over the world. When radiating its forces, the pyramid structure behaves like a powerful transmitter, emitting its very high light and energy vibrations into the world's circulation. Without it, the earth and the people on it would probably not be able to survive. Normally, sacred energies are drawn together at the Holy Place, amplified and then distributed across the earth.

The idea of the entirety of the structures as an oversized machine points to the possibility that it can run not only "forward" but also "backward", whereby the pyramid complex would attract, amplify and distribute dark energy over the earth. Such energy could be used by the "dark forces" to enslave people. One can only hope that it is impossible for the dark forces to understand the workings of this huge transformer and to operate it.

The pyramids built in the Dark Ages around 3,000 BC and later have nothing to do with those described above. They were mainly built for inauguration and elevation purposes, and in some cases perhaps also for burial purposes. However, it is more reasonable to assume that burials in the pyramids, if they existed at all, only took place in order to expand the consciousness of the rulers after their death.

A properly planned and built pyramid raises the vibration of the place where it is erected to a particularly high degree. This allows people to experience consciousness-expanding states in the designated rooms that would otherwise be difficult to achieve. However, the increase in vibration not only affects the interior of the pyramids, but also the entire outer area. In the initiation chambers of the pyramids, i.e. the rooms in which members of the upper class spent several days in order to experience special enlightenment, the vibration is increased many times over, which is achieved by a precisely calculated layout of these chambers. Only those people who are already well advanced in their perceptions should stay in them for long periods of time. Otherwise their mental state may become confused. The construction of the pyramid complex around the pyramid of Cheops in the time before the Atlantic plate collapse was an outstanding masterpiece in every respect - not only technically and mathematically, but also spiritually and mentally - in a design that is unique on earth and whose effect is indispensable for people and the earth to this day.

The pyramids built later are clearly inferior in terms of scale and precision of execution. This clearly shows the regression that began with the neglect of the knowledge of advanced civilizations and ultimately led to their complete downfall.

Mount Ararat

In order to be able to generate and distribute the very high energies described above, an additional source of power was required to interact with the pyramids in the area of the pyramid of Cheops. This had to be of natural origin, as every sacred place of the peoples must also always be connected to the power distribution points on earth in order to be able to develop its full effect. The Atlanteans had to borrow the power inherent in the earth from another people's place of power for their own artificially created place of power for a certain transitional period. This source of power was only intended as a temporary solution until the Atlanteans could use their old power place again. They were convinced that it would re-emerge from the floods when the geographical conditions changed. They were also aware that the pyramids, as durable as they were, would not last until the end of mankind on this planet. With their consent, the Atlanteans used the sacred place of the Urartian Chaldeans on Mount Ararat as a source of power. This was the closest possible place of power of a neighboring people, which also best suited the tasks of the Atlanteans with regard to the respective national task, which for both peoples is also related to distance.

From a spatial point of view, the power place of the Nubians would also have been an option; however, the tasks of the two peoples are too different. The device with which the Atlanteans extracted the energy they needed and which they provided with signs of sacred geometry and built into the mountain was called the Ark of the Covenant. It is not possible to explain why the term Ark of the Covenant was later given a completely different meaning. The signs used by the Atlanteans will be discovered in due course.

Scrolls are also discovered in the pyramids - albeit outside the tombs in the Valley of the Kings - which confirm what was described above.

The signs placed on the Ark of the Covenant caused and still cause an exchange of power between Mount Ararat and the area around the pyramid of Cheops, which was so strong that the area around the pyramids could henceforth be used as a holy place for the Atlanteans.

In the construction of this place of power - on the one hand the pyramids with the Pyramid of Cheops, on the other the Ark of the Covenant on Mount Ararat - the Atlanteans also had the support of extraterrestrial peoples. Without the corresponding signs and geometric assistance transmitted to them from the constellation of Orion, they would never have been able to realize their project. It is imperative for the sacred places of the peoples that someone is there to carry, guard and pass on the knowledge of the people from generation to generation. At the natural places of power, people - usually shamans these days - take on this task. It is sufficient if only a few people maintain the connection with the power place and ensure that the knowledge that the respective power places always hold is evenly distributed. Through the spiritual power of the shamans - in earlier times these tasks were carried out by the highest priests of the peoples, also with the help of appropriate rituals - damage is kept away from the sacred place and peace is secured in these areas. To ensure this for thousands of years, the builders of the Pyramid of Cheops found another solution.

They erected the Sphinx of Giza to guard and protect the spiritual heritage of the Atlanteans on behalf of the representatives of the Atlantean people. The pyramid complex itself is also only capable of generating the high energies; however, it cannot take over the distribution of the stored knowledge. In this unique case, the Sphinx also has this task. Without it, it would be impossible for the Atlanteans to access the knowledge and wisdom of their people. The structure of the Sphinx is also based on pure mathematics and unfolds its effect solely due to its construction.

Thus, three parts together form the sacred place of the Atlanteans: the pyramid complex, the signs in Mount Ararat and the Sphinx. Incidentally, Hitler searched extensively for the Ark of the Covenant on Mount Ararat and not - as officially announced - for Noah's Ark. The German government at the time must therefore have already known that there was a site in the area of the mountain. They must also have known of a connection to the pyramids, otherwise they would not have gone to such lengths.

In the area above the earth

the Cheops pyramid provides the Atlanteans with everything they need to make contact with benevolent extraterrestrial peoples. It enables the Atlanteans to absorb formulas, theorems and instructions of all kinds and then put them into practice. Every mathematical formula, every geometric representation can be requested via its place of power.

The pyramid of Cheops

conveys everything about the mathematical structure of the universe and of life as perceived by humans. The Atlanteans can explain the matrix of life (flower of life) and lay it over the entire universe, so to speak. Anything they cannot fathom themselves, they can ask the star peoples. In the area on earth, the effect emanating from the pyramid of Cheops enables the application and implementation of the sacred geometry and mathematics required to erect buildings and to direct the sacred power towards them. It conveys all knowledge about architecture and how buildings must be designed, laid out and aligned in order to ensure the highest possible increase in power at the respective location.

The Atlanteans were commissioned by Creation to bring this knowledge to all peoples. In this way, sacred places of lower rank were upgraded and other peoples were enabled to gain knowledge. In connection with this, pyramids were built all over the world. Some of them were also used for technical and scientific purposes. In these cases, the respective locations were based on a natural vibration that was particularly suitable for the tasks in question. The Atlanteans also helped other peoples directly in the fulfillment of their tasks by at least providing instructions for the construction of the necessary structures. They even designed and, in some cases, built underground structures and structures below sea level.

In the area below the earth

the pyramid of Cheops teaches the knowledge of sacred geometry and mathematics that is needed to build signs placed in the earth that raise the vibration of the respective location. This can often work together with other similar places to help create a higher level of knowledge not only there, but ultimately for the whole earth. However, this will only happen in the distant future, i.e. not in this generation or one of the next. When the time is ripe for this, people, led by the Atlanteans, will place such powerful signs in the earth in suitable places that the earth and all living beings on and in it will be moved to a higher vibrational level. This will be the people's thanks for the fact that the earth is saving humanity from the "dark forces". For without the influence of the earth and other heavenly bodies, which will be described later, humanity would sink into slavery. The earth deserves great thanks for this.

Misuse of sacred signs

Unfortunately, it is also possible to attract disorder and ultimately also corruption with certain signs. This can happen by inserting such signs into the earth or into the foundations of a building. This place then brings hatred and misfortune into the lives and actions of all the people who live there. The geometric orientation of a building can also have beneficial or detrimental consequences for the people who live and work there. Such signs or construction methods are usually so hidden that nobody notices them and nobody feels compelled to blame "dark forces" for the resulting misfortune. A building constructed according to dark rules, whose ground plan corresponds to powerful dark signs, will transfer its dark power to the people working in this building and cause them to carry out acts that bring death and destruction without further intervention. In such a case, there is not even a need for an "instructor", as the place itself radiates harmful energy. Such buildings emanate great power driven by hatred. In modern times, this is true of some buildings that house governments and agencies of different countries or overarching communities. One example is the Pentagon because of its layout. Here, forces are set in motion that work on their own. The danger of such a design is obvious.

The Temple of Osiris in Abydos

This temple was built by the Atlanteans long before the beginning of the Dark Age and remained in use into it. Like many magnificent buildings in this early period, it was not only intended for religious ceremonies and worship; rather, tangible sciences were also practiced within its walls. At the foot of the temple there was a university - which was also common at the time - where the findings from research activities were passed on. This ensured that wide circles of humanity were able to benefit from it. In our time, on the other hand, secret knowledge is accumulated on a massive scale so that people can be controlled and suppressed at any time.

The priests of the Atlanteans had planned and built the temple in such a way that certain areas were aligned with the stars in Orion. The place where this temple stands has an excellent interplanetary vibration. Because of the precise alignment and the Atlantean way of working in conjunction with the Atlantean people's mission, the priests were able to establish and maintain contact with the star peoples of Orion. In this temple, the Atlanteans received teachings from the star peoples, which they were able to implement and pass on to the people. Here, in the truest sense of the word, star knowledge came from the heavens. I assume that once the temple has been rebuilt, connections to Orion should still be possible today.

Due to their genetics, Atlanteans are able to perceive and interpret the energy currents that occur.

The sacred language of the Atlanteans

is the old Coptic. This language has also almost disappeared. Only the Egyptian Copts are said to still use fragments of it. In order for the Atlantean people to be united again, they would have to make an effort to revive this language. Unfortunately, in recent times the Copts in Egypt are increasingly being treated with hostility, expelled or even murdered by their fellow countrymen because of their predominantly Christian religious affiliation. This is particularly tragic because the Egyptians, about 80% of whom still belong to the Atlanteans, are themselves ensuring that their sacred language is completely lost.

By still speaking the sounds of the language, the Copts can help to revive the old Coptic, or rather the Atlantean language, which the Atlantean people urgently need in order to regain strength. It is not much use for a person to speak the sacred language of another people, as everyone carries the characteristics of their own people within them and can only live and make these available to the people of other nations. It is therefore essential for the Atlanteans to learn and speak their ancient language again. This would grant them protection and at the same time give them the key to the knowledge of the place in the area of the Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx. This would be a real contribution to world peace.

Another approach to rediscovering the ancient sacred language of the Atlanteans is the Friulian spoken in northern Italy around Udine. It is a successor language of the Atlanteans who settled in this region very early on. This language would have to be freed from the Latin influence and the old word stems would have to be worked out as well as possible. If this could be achieved, this ancient language could make a considerable contribution to the correct pronunciation of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Since the Atlanteans no longer have any connection to their place of power due to the almost complete loss of their sacred language, and as a rule no longer even know that they are Atlanteans and can call a sacred place their own, they can no longer fulfill their task at present. For this reason it is possible that the dark forces gain influence over people, who then adopt their dark techniques without realizing that this is actually only to their detriment.

The sacred writings of the Atlanteans

are the ancient Egyptian scripts, the so-called hieratic script and the hyroglyphs. The latter have been preserved in Egypt because the priests of the Atlanteans and many Atlanteans themselves had emigrated to Egypt before the fall of their island kingdom. As the Atlanteans were then the leading class in Egypt, their own script was introduced as a matter of course. In Coptic, the hyroglyphs were called "Scripture of the Words of God", which is very aptly expressed, since every Holy Scripture was created by God and actually always contains the words of God.

The Atlanteans sacrificed

flower blossoms in the form of beautiful flower arrangements, as well as pictures, necklaces and much more. Madeira, where the majority of Atlanteans still live today, is still called the flower island. In the gardens on Madeira, you can still find remnants of the former gardens of the ancient Atlanteans, who laid out gardens in geometric patterns and arranged the flowers according to scent, color and radiance in order to achieve different effects in different areas. However, as this ancient knowledge has been lost, the signs that are still underground today are no longer used and planted properly. It would make a lot of sense to search for these signs so that new plantings can be aligned with them and the plants can once again be arranged primarily according to fragrance notes instead of the colors of the flowers. The Portuguese and Spanish still love flowers in every shape and form. Their Atlantic island kingdom was full of beautiful flowers. Not only flowers played a special role in the ceremonies of the Atlanteans, but also the effects of light, especially colored light. This emphasizes certain states of mind and spirit and also contributes to the gaining of knowledge. Atlanteans knew almost everything about the various effects of colored light and colors in general. They incorporated the effects of color and light into their daily lives. Their medicine included light and aroma applications.

The mazes of the Atlanteans

It is perhaps worth mentioning that the Atlanteans had a very original way of fighting. They knew everything about the flowers and their scents and used this to their advantage when destroying their enemies. As the Atlantean empire was largely located on islands, they could only be attacked from the sea. They therefore laid out large mazes (sometimes several hectares in size) directly at the water's edge where ships could land, in which plants exuded seductive and also narcotic scents. If enemies wanted to penetrate the island, they first had to pass through the mazes on the shore. However, they could not find their way out of these quickly enough, so that the anaesthetic effect of the scents had an effect on them. When they were no longer able to think clearly, the Atlanteans emerged from hiding places and killed the intruders with spears. Rarely did anyone escape alive. In this context, I think of the journey of Odysseus, who famously had a very difficult time finding his way home from the sorceress Kirke's (also known as "Circe" or "Zirze") island of Aiaia. Perhaps her island was in the realm of the Atlanteans off Gibraltar, so that the difficulties Odysseus got into could also be attributed to the effect of the scents described above.

Consequences of the destruction of the Atlanteans

Today, the Atlanteans are no longer able to teach sacred geometry to other peoples. Hardly anyone still knows how the pyramids work or function and what purpose they served or serve. The connection between the benevolent star peoples and the humans has been severed, as there is no one left to maintain or establish it. For this reason, the dark forces, which often work with soulless dummies, can work here on earth and cause a lot of damage. After all, there is no one left here who could "separate the wheat from the chaff". The messages conveyed by the benevolent star peoples can no longer be received at present. As a result, people are missing important clues that could help them make decisive progress. Such information is only received by a few people from time to time - for example, a farmer in Mexico in the 1970s received information on how to grow huge vegetables from normal seeds - but this information is not evaluated by appropriately trained scientists and is not accessible to people. It would be helpful to have a permanent link, as there used to be. A scientific research center would have to be set up again to process the information and make it available to everyone. There should be no more secrecy. This is unworthy, harmful and detrimental to people in all areas.

Even the results of military research, which has achieved considerable results in some areas, could be of great benefit to all people if they were accessible to everyone instead of being kept secret and used for the destruction of people. Perhaps some scientists working in these fields will change their attitude towards the welfare of all mankind and the earth and stop their pernicious activities. Even if they might not be thanked immediately, their efforts would be noticed and recorded.

States of mind of the Atlanteans

The people who lived before the beginning of the Dark Ages were highly developed spiritually, culturally, in terms of their knowledge and religiously. However, they were very excitable - exhilarated, saddened to death - but also exuberantly loving and, if this love was disappointed, capable of abysmal hatred. Very few people were capable of an even and balanced view of events, and the curve of emotions showed strong fluctuations. In many cases, people exacerbated their states of excitement with drugs and stimulants, which led to far-reaching excesses. Before the sinking of its islands, Atlantean society was in a state of disintegration that would have led to a complete dissolution of interpersonal relationships. Such a dissolution of social ties did not only take place among the Atlanteans at that time, although it was most pronounced among them, but the entire world at that time underwent a more or less violent development.

In addition, the Atlanteans had a certain overconfidence which also had to be put to an end. Even in the dark times under the pharaoh Tutankhamon - well after the fall of their islands - the most important thing in the state at that time was not to offend anyone - least of all Tutankhamon himself. Even those who did so unknowingly or by mistake were immediately and cruelly put to death. In the Pharaoh's immediate circle, a number of older women made sure that visitors did not utter anything that could in any way be interpreted as an insult. If they had even the slightest suspicion, they immediately called the guards and the visitor was taken away to await sentencing. Incidentally, the young ruler was neither deformed nor chronically ill. His sudden death must have had other causes than pre-existing medical conditions.

Today, more and more of our leading rulers and their representatives have a similar attitude. In our time, too, it is increasingly no longer permitted to express one's own views on certain topics - here, too, the reason given is that someone might feel offended by this - if the person concerned does not want to accept disadvantages. In some cases, even statements that are far-fetched and cannot be regarded as offensive from the outset are punished, as they are merely descriptions of events taking place at the time, i.e. the presentation of facts. Today, punitive measures are mostly limited to statements made in public. In the near future, however, the private sphere is to be monitored by technical devices, which will of course also pass on statements that are disliked to those in power. Regulation with the corresponding threat of punishment will not be long in coming. Historically speaking, we are treading water and have not yet come very far from Tutankhamon and his time. These excesses of human behavior are still a consequence of the misconduct that came to light before the Dark Ages in the form of exuberant emotions and a strong desire for power.

In order to make people aware of the inappropriateness of such behavior and to show them what misfortune the individual can get into as a result, the dark time began, in which people are abused by dark forces through their feelings and states of excitement. Only when emotional upsurges have dragged humanity into the abyss will those who remain understand why this had to happen.

A more peaceful world will only be possible when people's emotions are balanced and their level of excitement no longer shows any significant fluctuations. The dark times have come because people have not been able to control their emotions on their own. It is also possible that people even needed this time in order to understand how damaging strongly fluctuating moods are for mental balance.