XVII. The Call of God


Call to the people of this time:

"Men, men, rise up, time is pressing, and if you do not do it on this "day," you will no longer awaken in this life on earth. Do you want to continue to sleep in spite of my message? Do you want the death of the flesh to wake you up - with the consuming fire of repentance of your Spirit without matter? Be sincere, enable yourselves to be in spiritual life, in the face of truth, where nothing can excuse your materialism, where you really see yourselves in rags - stained, dirty and torn - which your Spirit will wear as clothing. Verily, I tell you, there, at the sight of your misery and in the feeling of so great shame, you will feel the immeasurable desire to wash yourselves clean in the water of deepest repentance because you know that you can only go pure to the feast of the Spirit. See yourselves beyond human egoism with all its infirmities, which are currently your pride, your satisfaction, and tell me whether you have felt the pain of men, whether the sobs of women or the cries of children echo in your hearts. So tell Me: what have you been to men? Have you been life for them? (228,62 - 63)

Call to the intellectuals:

"Come to Me, you intellectuals who are weary of death and disappointed in your hearts. Come to Me, you who are confused and have hated instead of loving. I will give you rest and make you understand that the Spirit who is obedient to my commandments never tires. I will introduce you to a science that never confuses the intelligence. (282, 54)

Call to the toilsome and laden:

"Come to me, you afflicted, lonely and sick people. You who drag chains of sin with you, you humbled, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, be with Me; in My presence many of your evils will disappear and you will feel your burden become lighter. If you want to possess the goods of the Spirit, I will grant them to you; if you ask Me for earthly goods to make good use of them, I will give them to you likewise, because your request is noble and just. Then you will become good trustees, and I will grant you the increase of those goods so that you let your fellow men share in them. (144, 80 - 81)

Call to the spiritual Israel

"Israel, become the leader of mankind, give her this bread of eternal life, show her this spiritual work, so that the different religions may spiritualize themselves in my teaching and in this way the Kingdom of God may come to all people. (249,66)

"Hear Me, beloved Israel! Open your spiritual eyes and behold the glory of your Father. Hear my voice through your conscience, hear with your spiritual ears the heavenly melodies, so that your heart and spirit may rejoice, so that you may feel peace; for I am peace and invite you to live in it. I reveal to you the love that I have felt for mankind at all times - the reason why Jesus shed His most precious Blood in the "Second Time" to redeem you from sin, to teach you love and imprint true teaching on your mind and heart". (283, 71)

"Set your eyes on Me when you have lost the way; be with Me today. Lift up your thoughts to Me and speak to Me as a child speaks to his father, as one speaks confidently to a friend. (280, 31)

"Walk under my teaching, feel like new people, exercise my virtues, then it will become ever more light in your Spirit, and Christ will manifest Himself in your way. (228, 60)

"People, go to the people, speak to them as Christ spoke to you - with the same compassion, determination and hope. Let them know that there are ways of upward development that give greater satisfactions than those that grant material goods. Let them know that there is a faith that allows faith and hope beyond what is visible and tangible. Tell them that their Spirit will live eternally and that they must therefore prepare themselves to be able to participate in that eternal bliss. (359, 94 - 95)

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