V. The Zigeuner (Gypsy) - the people of warners and heralds


Excerpt from: The lie of humanity - Who we really are

by Ina Maria von Ohr

Another people that has spread as far as the Mediterranean region is the Gypsy people.

In German, the Gypsies used to be called fahrendes Volk. At that time, the Germans were still aware that the Gypsies were an independent people. The word Gypsy is no longer officially used today. However, it is very valuable for this people to be called by their actual name.

The name of a people grants its members protection simply by the fact that it is written and pronounced. The sound of the word sets cosmic forces in motion and also creates corresponding memories in people's subconscious. Since the German language is an ancient sacred language, it still contains the names of all other peoples. When these names are erased, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to remember and regain their old strength.

The individual tribes such as the alleged Sinti or Roma only make up a very small part of the Gypsy people. However, these two groups are not tribes either, but consist of members of different tribes.

The word Sinti does not go back to a tribal name, but can be equated with the English word gipsy. It is merely another, non-working term for gypsies. In earlier times, the word Roma referred to those gypsies who had moved to the Roman Empire - mainly to the areas between Florence and Rome. In their homeland in the Balkans, these people were called "Roma". As you can see, this is also not a name that can be assigned to a specific tribe, but merely a designation for a group of people who belonged to completely different tribes. The Gypsies are not supposed to keep their real ethnic name, as the "dark forces fear their ability to make quick and truthful predictions, which can prevent or mitigate misfortune and also many a bad thing.

The term Yenish for certain gypsy groups is based on a family name. It should be noted that Gypsy families are very large and sometimes - like the Yenish - have several thousand family members.

The settlement area of the Gypsies

runs south of the settlement area of the German people like a broad band across the land mass of the Eurasian continent.

The Gypsy people are very numerous and just as old as the other peoples. They settled from southern Catalonia to Sardinia, Sicily, southern Italy, Yugoslavia, Albania, partly northern Greece, Bulgaria, partly Romania, the Caucasus, Turkmenistan, northern Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Several tribes in Afghanistan belong to the Gypsy people. The Syrians, however, belong entirely to the Urartian Chaldean people. For this reason, it may be that many Afghans have a tense relationship with the Syrians. They subconsciously feel that they are members of different peoples. Everyone knows inwardly which people they belong to. This is true even if they can no longer remember it in their day-to-day consciousness.

In ancient times, the Gypsy people also included tribes consisting of very tall people. One tribe of such people was only wiped out during the Dark Ages around 3,000 to 2,000 years before Christ. These were the

giant people of Sardinia,

whose bones are often found by farmers in the fields on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. They belonged to a tribe of gypsies known in tradition as the Nephilim. The story of these people has been preserved in legends and writings. However, the tradition concerning their ancestry was not accurate and originated from the realm of pure fantasy. They were pure-bred humans. They were therefore neither hybrids of gods and humans - there were no such creatures at any time - nor the result of attempts to cross-breed extraterrestrial beings with humans. There were indeed such attempts, but the results left much to be desired.

The Nephilim were considered to be very clever and cunning and you were well advised not to mess with them. They worshipped the North Star and were aware of its great power and care for large parts of the universe. They built houses specifically for the worship of this star, which in their language at the time were called sanctuaries. Today these buildings are known as Chayen Tomms or archaeologically as "The Nuraghi". Through a hole in the roof of these sanctuaries, which was shaped like a bull's head, the light of the North Star fell at certain times directly onto an altar placed on the floor or embedded in the wall, where sacred devotions were held to worship the stars. The gypsies knew that stars had a soul. For this reason, the gypsies regarded them as powerful beings and asked for their help.

In some places in Sardinia, you can still find indentations in the rocky ground that look like huge wagon tracks. These are depressions carved by the great men, in which sledges slid on wooden bases pulled by oxen. They were used to transport all kinds of goods as well as people. Even then, even such tall people felt little inclination to carry everything themselves. A small proportion of these people lived in the large rock caves of Sardinia. Many more lived in tents, which they always carried with them on their hikes. Many of them were shepherds and moved with their flocks.

Perhaps the great men are the Cyclopes of the Odyssey. After all, Odysseus may have passed by Sardinia on his way to Atlantis.

The gypsy tribe of the great humans initially survived the Atlantic plate collapse in Sardinia by retreating into the caves in the mountains. It was only after this that they were exterminated. This happened in response to the demands of the "dark forces", which the Nephilim were in the way of. They were not as easy to control as their smaller brothers and sisters. Their nature was more primal and stubborn and by no means easy to influence. The smaller humans attacked the Nephilim in a large-scale campaign. In their distress, some of the Nephilim fled to the altar rooms for protection. Unfortunately, this did not help them. They were trapped, starved and then killed.

The memory of these great people lives on to this day in the language spoken in Sardinia. Several parts of the Sardinian language date back to the time of the Nephilim. Around a fifth of the old language still goes back to the original language. However, the original language bore no resemblance to the sacred language of the Gypsies.

Gypsies also settled on the mainland of Spain south of Barcelona in what is now Sitges. However, they were of a normal size. They lived in association with the Atlanteans who had always lived there and also mixed with them. The gypsies also brought the cult of the North Star to this area and also built nuraghi here in the form of hemispherical houses made of layered field stones, which were very similar to those in Sardinia, but were only around 2 - 3 meters high. There was an entrance through which people could reach the altar and there was also a round hole in the middle of the top of the hemispherical house through which the light of the North Star could fall on the altar at certain times. There were also triangular holes in the walls, similar to embrasures. This was intended to allow both Venus and Mars to spread their light on the altar at certain times. Here, too, the souls of the stars were worshipped and not their material bodies. The hemispherical houses were not entered as they were considered sacred. Only to decorate the altar did an appropriately appointed person enter the small room to perform the necessary tasks. The festivities on the days when the light of the stars fell through the passages onto the altar took place outside around the spherical houses.

The gypsies living in Sitges were also shepherds and lived mainly in tents as they moved with the flocks. Each extended family had its own ball house in which to offer their gifts. This culture came to an end almost 2,000 years ago when people were forbidden to practice their original faith in connection with the introduction of Christianity.

Since the beginning of their reign, the "dark forces" have done everything in their power to suppress and destroy the knowledge of the ensouled universe and the ensouled environment. By connecting with the souls of the stars, as the gypsies are able to do, knowledge can be gained that would otherwise remain inaccessible. Every human being should know the appropriate ways to connect with the souls of the stars. In order to prevent the influx of such knowledge, the relevant Gypsy cults were banned and their practice threatened with punishment.

The Holy Land of the Gypsies

extends in the south from Samarkand via Tashkent and on to Alma-Ata. In the cities there and in the mountains connecting the cities lies the place of power of this people. Samarkand and the surrounding land is the area with the greatest density of light - i.e. the sacred center - within the entire region. Samarkand is a peculiar city where the new age is combined with something very old and sacred.

In the area above the earth, this sacred place holds all the knowledge about the vagaries of the weather, about storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, cold, ice and snow, about rain, sun and drought. The gypsies are therefore well informed about the weather in general. They are also aware of all disasters that occur above the earth and can therefore predict airplane or balloon crashes, rocket accidents and the like. Also

in the area on earth

the Holy Place holds all knowledge of all kinds of disasters for the gypsies. Major disasters are transmitted from there without further ado, before they happen, so that the gypsies can warn of them and those affected still have enough time to get themselves and their belongings to safety. These could be natural disasters, serious train wrecks, the sinking of large ships and the like. After minor and personal disasters of all kinds, such as car, ski or water accidents, on the other hand, the gypsies must be expressly asked so that they can receive information that they can pass on to the person asking.

Gypsies can also determine whether a missing person is still alive, whether a soldier will return home safely or whether a child is in danger. But they not only warn of danger, they also announce happy and joyful events. For example, they know if and when a love affair will begin, a marriage will take place or a child will be born.

In the area under the earth

of the sacred place, knowledge of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, landslides, mining disasters, avalanches and similar events is available. Depending on the severity of the disasters, the gypsies receive knowledge of them well before they occur and can pass it on so that the people at risk still have enough time to get to safety. Predictions of the future are intended by creation, otherwise an entire people would not have been entrusted with this task. The knowledge of future events belongs to the people and must not be taken away from them.

The task of the gypsies

is to travel around the world as a traveling people in order to be on the spot in time when people need to be warned of approaching disasters or even just to give news of events that only affect individuals. Having a gypsy within easy reach can therefore make life a lot easier in many ways.

People have a great need to be protected from misfortune and natural events. It is primarily the responsibility of the Gypsy people to ensure this protection. For this reason, their priesthood had an ingenious structure built 32,000 years ago to reduce the number of disasters caused by natural events. This took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in an area known as the

Visoko Valley

called Visoko Valley. Here there are five pyramids of different sizes, which form a uniform complex. They are built according to the guidelines of sacred geometry. Their locations are chosen in such a way that they form a compound based on mathematical principles. All five pyramids are required to take up their work and only work together.

Similarly, an extensive system of tunnels under and between the pyramids is essential to the working of this huge machine. The four smaller pyramids and the entire tunnel system are, so to speak, the energy suppliers for the largest pyramid, now called the "Pyramid of the Sun". This collects and bundles the forces sent to it, transforms them and releases them at its apex into the layers of air above it.

The purpose of the arrangement of the structures, their specific alignment and precise construction is to have a balancing influence on the atmosphere. The air currents are calmed by the uniform release of high equalizing forces up to the uppermost layers of air, so that storms or large eddies do not occur or occur less frequently. This calming effect spreads across the entire globe and thus benefits all peoples, but also other living creatures and not least the earth itself.

When the pyramids had been working for no less than 20,000 years, i.e. around 12,000 years ago, they were covered with earth and the tunnels filled in to prevent any misuse of the complex in view of the approach of the Dark Ages, which the Gypsies were of course aware of, and the imminent fall of the Atlantic plate. For every power and the purpose of every power-generating machine can be turned into the opposite. Without these precautions, the pyramid complex could also have been used to cause far-reaching disasters, such as major storms. It could therefore have become an excellent weapon to use against people and nature. At present, the entire facility is only working on a low flame, so to speak, as the tunnels are still being filled in, the spheres required for full-load operation have not been properly installed and the pyramids are covered with a thick layer of earth. If everything is restored in the distant future and the plant is operating at full power, it could once again bring blessings to the earth and life on it. After the end of the dark time is near, the construction and operating instructions of the building will be found without having to destroy anything.

The sacred language of the gypsies

is the old Tadjik. Today we also call this language Avestan.

The Avesta is very sacred. It is the holy book of the Gypsies. Avestan in its original form is self-explanatory, as it is a sacred language. It would be very advantageous if at least today's Tadjik were spoken by the Gypsies, as it is related to the ancient language. It would also be desirable if the old Avestan or Tadjik could be revived so that the inner images and messages could be more fully and quickly absorbed by the Gypsies.

Gypsies are still strongly represented in many areas today. Many members of this people still speak Tadjik, which means that they are still connected to their center of power and have access to sacred knowledge.

The spiritual connection with the sacred place, which cannot be perceived directly, can still be seen today among the gypsies, who are still active as fortune tellers and clairvoyants. The accuracy of the fortune tellers and palm readers of this people is legendary.

The sacred scriptures of the gypsies

are the hieroglyphic Indus script and the ancient script of the Zendavesta.

The Indus script is sacred and ancient. Only a small part of it has been deciphered so far. One of the reasons for this is that only a few of the existing inscriptions have been found so far. This script was first discovered in Pakistan on the Indus, a holy river, as an inscription on metal and stone objects. The associated culture is sometimes referred to as the Sindhu-Sarasvati civilization. This name is inappropriate because it creates a misleading association with the Brahmins. This was also intended to create confusion among the Gypsies. The Indus script was the sacred temple script in which prayers in particular, but also scientific treatises were written.

The Zendavesta script is the writing script of the Gypsies, which was mainly used to describe everyday things and events. It is also a sacred script. In later times, however, the Avesta - the holy book of the Gypsies - was also written in this script, as the temple hieroglyphs were no longer complete. Perhaps the Avesta can at least be completely restored in the Zendavesta script so that the full power of this book can be achieved. This would be a great blessing for the Gypsy people. Gypsy writings will still be found in many places.

In the very holy

Mount Sumer,

which is properly called Duku, there is a grotto in which not only a number of Gypsy writings but also a statue will later be found. Both will be of great significance for this people, but also for mankind as a whole. However, such finds will only be made after the end of the Dark Ages, as they would probably soon be destroyed in the present day. The grotto can be reached through natural passages that wind their way into the earth.

A side passage, at the end of which the natural grotto is located, is currently still blocked by a large rock. The gypsies gave up their sedentary lifestyle a long time ago and sacrificed their home to the great task of being able to serve all people. They should therefore be welcomed by all people instead of being shunned and marginalized, as has largely been the case since the Middle Ages.

Consequences of the decline of the Gypsies

The real reason why the Gypsies no longer performed their tasks in the community of nations properly and comprehensively was the loss of ancient knowledge due to the extensive loss of the sacred language. As a result, mistakes crept into the predictions and crime became more prevalent.

One day, when the Gypsies as a whole speak their sacred language again, their warnings and predictions will once again come true without exception. Humanity will then be protected from harm. When the Gypsies speak their holy language, they will once again be able to hear their inner voice in the right way and show others the right path. Then all peoples will once again welcome the Gypsies with joy. Everyone will easily recognize that they come with valuable gifts, namely indications of dangers and safe protection from the vicissitudes of life - and not to rob or steal.

The dark forces began a long time ago to demonize the work of the Gypsies and to destroy their sacred language in order to deprive people of the protection they could receive from the warnings. It was only for this reason that this people was accused of having a tendency to habitually appropriate the property of others at every suitable opportunity and, moreover, was denied the ability to see into the future. If the dark forces had not succeeded in largely destroying the work of the gypsies, they would not have been able to carry out their dark machinations unnoticed.

Fear of "unforeseeable" disasters can be used very effectively to control people by promising them protection if they only obey and allow themselves to be exploited. Without the work of the gypsies, a lot of fear and terror can be spread. It is to be hoped that many gypsies will soon be working again as warnings and heralds so that fear among people and thus also the desire for the protection of the dark forces will decrease.