VI The Etruscans - guardians of the earth


Excerpt from: The lie of humanity - who we really are

by Ina Maria von Ohr

The etruscans are also still a very large people. So far, however, we only know that this people lived in northern Italy before the Romans and had some influence there, but then mysteriously disappeared. It is said that not much more than a few ceramics in a strict design language and some with beautiful paintings are still in existence. However, this depiction in the history books is once again completely wrong. The Etruscan people, one of the twelve peoples of creation, did not die out, but are still living on earth today, just like the members of all the other peoples who are said to no longer exist. Such a distorted representation serves only the purpose of depriving people of their origins and ancestry in order to separate them from the greater whole and to be able to control them better.

The settlement area of the Etruscans

extended from a part of Finland across the whole of northern Russia in the area of Novaya Zemlya, further along the coast via Talmyr to the Lena delta and the outermost tip of the Andyrsky Mountains, finally down to Kamchatka and further south back via Yakutia and Siberia to Finland. The Etruscans were good seafarers, so that they colonized the northern islands such as Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya and similar areas that were easily accessible by ship. They even reached America via the Behring Strait. In earlier times, there was still a wide strip of land at this point, which was no obstacle.

This is where Alaska and northern Canada, the settlement area assigned to the Etruscans by Creation, are located. They therefore settled on the northern edges of America, Europe and Asia. Migrations of this people, which brought them to more southerly climes, only took place in later times. At that time, the land areas along the North Sea were largely covered by primeval forests alternating with steppes.

Tribes of the Etruscans - The Tartars

are the main tribe of the Etruscans. They settled along the North Sea and from Lithuania far into present-day Russia. The Tartars used to speak the sacred language of the Etruscans. They also lived on Novaya Zemlya and guarded the so-called Mouth of the Earth, the area around what was then the North Pole.

The Tartars had their capital in their heartland in northern Russia, which was in no way inferior to the great cities of other peoples. It was located at the mouth of the Ob, had strong fortifications facing the land and a large seaport. There was a university with a library in the capital. Parts of it are still very well preserved.

Together with the Atlanteans and Nubians, the Tartars were among the first peoples to be attacked by the dark forces. These three peoples held key positions on Earth. They possessed knowledge that would have enabled humans to oppose the decline and the attacks. The attack on the peoples began with a major natural disaster that was triggered by the dark forces but had nothing to do with the Earth's polarity reversal. This was the great plate collapse already described in the treatment of the Atlanteans, in which their islands as well as some islands and large coastal areas of the Etruscans in the North Sea sank. But the surviving islands in the Arctic Ocean, such as the Spitsbergen Bank, Spitsbergen, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirskieova and others, were also severely affected. The huge tsunami waves coming from the Arctic Ocean reached far into the Eurasian continent via the northern lowland areas. Siberia was flooded, as were many other areas.

The capital of the Tatars at the mouth of the Ob was also completely destroyed, as was another important city in the Yenisei delta, and all life was wiped out. As a result of this terrible flood, all large land animals were wiped out in all the low-lying areas to the north - as well as in the areas of today's North Sea. This affected the mammoth living there as well as the sabre-toothed tiger and several other large-bodied species. These animals had no place to retreat to. The tidal waves had an approximate height of 300 meters and made escape completely impossible. Only the people who had taken the warnings of their priesthood seriously and fled in time - to the southwest towards Europe on the one hand and to China on the other - survived the disaster.

Sami / Nenets

In Finland and northern Russia lived the Sami, another tribe of the Etruscans, who in more distant times were called Samoyeds. They should not be confused with the Lapps, who are a tribe of the Wends and settled in Norway, Sweden and Finland. The original Sami tribe is no longer numerous. They still live in northern Russia today. However, the name Sami has been taken from them. Today they are called Nenets, which only means "people" in translation. They are only a shadow of their former selves, as they have also been deprived of their ancestral homeland, their way of life, their ethnicity, their sacred place and their language through resettlement. This example clearly shows how the ruling class, controlled by the dark forces, acts against a tribe, clan or group when this community is of great importance to the ancient knowledge and skills of a people.

Usually such people still speak the sacred language of their people and are dangerous for the rulers, as they can easily gain access to the knowledge of their people if they only want to and ask the right questions in the sacred place of their people. It is a fact that the correct tribal or clan name alone can lead to fundamental knowledge that is important for all of humanity via valuable encrypted information that is accessible to this group of people. The purpose of changing the name is to make it difficult or completely impossible to determine the ancestry of these people. This is the reason why the Lapps are called Sami and the Sami are called Nenets. This also happens in other parts of the world, e.g. in Australia, where some of the Aborigines are called Anangu, which also means "people". Moreover, this word does not even come from their own language, but from the language of a neighboring tribe. This is also intended to make access to the knowledge contained in the original tribal name impossible. For an attentive observer, it is hard to overlook the fact that there is a common intention behind these increasingly widespread changes. It is always the same explanation why the correct name of a people or tribe should or may no longer be used. The rulers pretend that the actual name of the tribe or people is derogatory. The rulers make use of the help of people who may well be convinced that the orders are correct and, as helpers and executors of the rulers, eagerly implement everything in accordance with the instructions.

The dark forces are primarily concerned with eradicating the correct names, the sound and writing of which contain the knowledge for the respective people or tribe. However, this is increasingly coming up against opposition, as more and more people are remembering what happened and telling other people about it. Every truth that a person hears is readily recognized by the soul as correct, so that the person can subsequently change his behaviour and adapt it to the newly acquired old knowledge. I repeat once again for the sake of understanding: Lapps are Wends. Sami are Etruscans. They are tribes of two different peoples! Lapps speak a dialect of the sacred language of the Wends, Sami speak a dialect of the sacred language of the Etruscans.


The Eskimos are also a tribe of the Etruscans, although this is no longer known today. The people belonging to the tribe were infiltrated in large numbers by Tibetans in ancient times. They had left their homeland in Central Asia, as at that time large parts of the population were starving due to persistent mismanagement and there was no prospect of improvement, especially as the climate was also changing due to deforestation and rainfall was increasingly lacking. For this reason, a broad stream of emigrants began to move across the Eurasian continent, with the tip of this migration reaching the northernmost areas of the mainland, where there was an essentially peaceful mixing with the Eskimos living there.

The name Eskimo is coded, enabling the members of this tribe to remember their ancestry without intervention. The name Inuit, which is increasingly used today for parts of this tribe, is fictitious. According to Wikipedia, the meaning of this word in the language of these people is once again simply "human". So once again we have a tribe whose name is suppressed because it can open up access to truthful knowledge. It is always the same procedure that is used to enforce a name change. The actual tribal name is presented by the state or state-sponsored institutions as derogatory and replaced by another. By using the term Inuit = human, the connection of the people with their sacred place is made impossible, so that access to true sacred knowledge can no longer take place.

Since the Eskimos live exclusively on the northern edge of the continental shelves, it can be assumed that they have great knowledge of the Earth's North Pole and could effectively protect it from attack and exploitation. If access to such knowledge is prevented, this represents a great loss for mankind. Then these people will no longer be able to prevent the "dark forces" from attacking our Mother Earth.

Scythians and other Etruscan tribes

Etruscans were black-haired and often blue-eyed. The blond mummy found in the Altaj Mountains is therefore more likely to belong to the German people, especially as the Altaj Mountains are the settlement area of the German people and many members of the German people are blond. The sporadic occurrence of blond people among the Mongol peoples can probably also be traced back to a mixture with either the Germans or the Wends. After the German people withdrew from the areas of present-day Mongolia following the great natural disaster, tribes of the Tibetan people moved in. During these times of territorial exchange, intermingling may have occurred. The Scythians are also a tribe of the Etruscans.

They came from the area south of Kamchatka, from the Jablonowyj Mountains and the Stanowoj Mountains and moved as far as Europe.

Before the Earth's axis shifted, the climate in the northern regions of the world was completely different from today's. Temperatures were those of the temperate latitudes. Temperatures were those of temperate latitudes with no great differences between summer and winter. The pole shift from the Kara Sea to today's North Pole exposed the Earth to different interplanetary forces, with the sun and planets acting on the Earth's new position in a completely different way than before. This resulted in the freezing of the North Pole and a significant change in climate, which caused the ice to spread far to the south. When it became cold in the ancient homeland of the Etruscans after the pole shift, parts of the Tartars moved south in an initial migration and remained in Greece, the Near East and Italy. We know the Etruscan tribes that settled in the Mediterranean under the names Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians. The Minoan society on Crete was also partly made up of Etruscans. The other part of the ruling dynasty - through intermarriage - as well as the local population at the time consisted of Atlanteans, who had also emigrated to the area in large numbers shortly before their country sank. They had been trading with the inhabitants of Crete and the Aegean coast since time immemorial.

The direct descendants of the Etruscans include today's Tartars, the Sami, but also large parts of the Italians in northern and central Italy and the Greeks.

The Etruscans migrated from Finland and the northern Soviet Union via Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia and Greece via the Near East to Italy in another migration movement, which in this case was triggered by the Atlantic plate fall. They in turn settled in the Middle East, in Italy from about central Italy to the Alps and in Greece from the Peloponnese to northern Greece, as parts of their own people were already living there. As a result of this migration movement and their subsequent stay at their destination, the people who moved southwards were separated from the other tribes of this people and their actual ancestral settlement area. The newcomers became at home in a foreign land, so to speak. The peoples who had always lived there continued to live in the areas they crossed. Mixing, which was not significant, took place only partially during the migration.

It should also be noted that the Phoenicians were also Etruscans and reached the African side of the Mediterranean during this migration.

The Phoenicians were only able to rise to their former fame and wealth because they searched for copper and silver in the area of today's Sahara on the orders of the "dark powers" and mined and processed these metals with the help of wood from the extensive forests that still existed there at the time. After the last tree had been felled and the last metal loader had been exploited, the heyday of this tribe came to an end and it sank into oblivion, not least because of its great sacrilege. We humans today can now marvel at a vast desert in this place and no longer enjoy the once extensive forests and savannahs.

Lifestyle of the Etruscans

Fishing was the main source of income for the northern population. They traded across the entire continent with fish caught in the North Sea and then processed as stockfish, but also with other similarly durable fish products.

Whales were not hunted or caught, as they were sacred to them. Whales are the guardians of sound in the sea. Among other things, whales specifically use the sound channels in the world's oceans to communicate and come together. Sound channels transmit sound over huge distances without loss. The Etruscans knew this because the acoustics beneath the surface of the earth and water fell directly within their special field of knowledge.

Etruscans were and are very thorough and logical thinkers who plan and work in an orderly fashion. Their priests were outstanding scientists and thinkers. Apart from that, they were a people of sailors and horsemen, so they hardly practiced agriculture or animal husbandry, with the exception of an extensive, excellent pony breeding in the steppe areas of present-day Russia, which was mainly practiced by the Tartars. They even embarked their horses and transported them from island to island; the ponies were even driven to the most remote areas as far as Iceland. Even then, Iceland had very extensive natural landscapes that were suitable for grazing. Previously, however, there were no horses there, so that today's Icelandic ponies are actually Tartar ponies and by no means an independent breed.

Other important branches of the Etruscan economy were weaving as well as iron, copper and gold foundries. Gold was used in the production of religious objects. It was not used as a means of payment. People in earlier times knew that gold was the most sacred metal on earth and could therefore have a beneficial influence on people's health and cognitive abilities. Until the Middle Ages, it was believed that ingesting gold dust or applying it to affected areas of skin could cure all kinds of illnesses. It was only with the decline of mankind over the last 5,000 years that the true value of gold was completely obscured and the precious sacred metal was devalued to a banal means of payment. This could only have happened in a world in which the view of things that are actually important had shifted and knowledge of them had perished.

Novaya Zemlya

and the sea area of the Kara Sea surrounded by this crescent-shaped island are very sacred. In earlier times, the North Pole of the Earth was located there. In those distant times this area was called Hyperborea. The priests of the Etruscans (here the Tartars) were in contact with the part of the people who had migrated to Greece. Offerings consecrated in the main temple at the North Pole were sent all over the continent so that distant relatives could share in the sacred life at home.

Novaya Zemlya is now used as a nuclear test site, where over 300 nuclear bombs have been detonated above ground in the last 40 years. This is extremely detrimental, as our planet exchanges messages and vibrations with other planets, the sun and also more distant celestial bodies via the Earth's mouth, i.e. the poles. This exchange should take place as easily and smoothly as possible for the benefit of the Earth and all living beings on it. At present, this exchange is being hindered, causing much disorder.

Here the intentions of the dark forces are apparently to cause people not only to use destructive means to suppress the beneficial effects of such a sacred area, but to do all they can to prevent the Earth's North Pole from returning to this location and to prevent the Earth from leaving its position in space. As shown in a report on the Phoenix news channel on 3.10.13, the goal of the people working there is even more far-reaching. In this report, a relief was shown on the wall of a house in a village on Novaja Zemlja, depicting two hands holding an earth that has broken through the middle. A pentagram can be seen below the image.

This is a clear indication that an attempt is also being made to kill the earth itself at this location. It is to be hoped that the people working there will desist from their activities before they have caused permanent damage. It would not be the first time that inhabitants have killed a planet and then become homeless themselves or perish along with the planet.

In this case, too, the people involved will be unaware of the importance of the place and its beneficial influence on the Earth and its people. They may only be the smallest cogs in a big machine, but they are helping to take freedom and dignity from their fellow human beings and life from the earth.

The South Pole - the cradle of humanity

has been covered in ice for millions of years. This did not happen by chance. Rather, the enormous ice shield was deliberately built up by the Earth and has since protected its South Pole, which is even more sensitive than the North Pole and could no longer be left to the protection of humans alone due to their increasing unreliability.

In the very early days of creation, the South Pole was ice-free, even at the time when the human race already existed. The cradle of the first humans was in the Antarctic. They were very pure and childlike in their beginnings. Therefore, at that early time, they did not realize the differences that existed between the individual peoples - and therefore also between the individual humans. Antarctica was not assigned to any one people separately as a settlement area, but was intended to be shared by all peoples. For a long time, the people there lived in harmony with each other in a friendly and mutually supportive way of life. Unfortunately, a change of consciousness set in among them, which led to them perceiving the differences between themselves and the members of other peoples and reacting to them with defensiveness. From this point on, the harmony between early humans was disturbed and the long period of experience began.

This period in human history coincides with the Bible's account of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from paradise. When it became clear that people could not live peacefully at the southern mouth of the earth, let alone guard it, it froze over and has remained in the same state ever since. It will only be uncovered again when people treat Mother Earth with more care and help her in her tasks instead of hindering her or even trying to destroy her, as is the case today.

However, Antarctica has been iced over to varying degrees over the millennia. At times, the coastal areas were ice-free and were occasionally colonized. Until the Atlantic plate collapse, Antarctica was still connected to South America by a land bridge, albeit a very narrow one in recent times. This stretched from the southern tip of Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, via South Georgia - which included the Falkland Islands - the South Sandwich Islands, the south of the Orkney Islands to the Arctic mainland, which still forms a large tongue of land jutting out into the ocean at this point today, Grahamland. In prehistoric times, a number of geological changes led to the formerly wide land bridge becoming narrower until it finally sank into the sea. In the following period, people still stayed in Antarctica, but only to fish and hunt there.

If we could determine how long the ice sheet has been on Antarctica, we could draw conclusions about the minimum age of mankind.

The Aryans and the Nebra Sky Disk

The Etruscans, and in particular the Tartars, had their own priestly class, known as the Aryans. Like the priests of the Atlanteans, their members undertook long journeys in order to exchange their knowledge with other priests and thus contribute to the higher knowledge of mankind in general. They usually carried a disk with an exact representation of the stars with them. With the help of this disk, they were able to determine their location and plan their journey accordingly. One of these disks, the so-called Nebra Sky Disk, has already been found. This disk was therefore not a ceremonial object, but an object of daily use. The Aryans were the highest priestly class of the Etruscans. The word Aryan therefore does not refer to members of a German tribe or even the German people, but to the priests of the Etruscans, whose main task was to guard the mouth of the earth.

Oak Island

As already mentioned, the Etruscans also settled in Canada up to about the present-day border of the United States of America. Off southern Canada lies a small island in the Atlantic called Oak Island, which was very important 12,000 years ago. At that time there was a large research station here, which was a joint venture between various peoples. The Etruscans were in charge, as the island was still part of their settlement area and the subject of the research work in particular corresponded to their role as a people. The Indians, Atlanteans and Incas also participated with leading priests, who in earlier times were also scientists and researchers, as these areas were considered to be interrelated. The scientists working there at the time were mainly concerned with observing the movements of the major ocean currents and changes to them, transferring this to other fields of knowledge and assessing the resulting effects. Furthermore, all earth movements on the bottom of the Atlantic were recorded in this research facility and assessed according to their degree of danger. This was linked to the provision of a tsunami early warning system. However, this was only a minor area of research at the time, the main purpose of which was to detect signs of climate change and major earthquakes.

The research on Oak Island was primarily concerned with a holistic view of the earth's forces in conjunction with those of the water and the sea. Landslides in underwater trenches or break-offs from the continental shelves were also observed and evaluated. The scholars of the time were able to observe almost everything connected with the sea and the earth in the area of the Atlantic Ocean and then draw the correct conclusions. The movements of high and low tides were also noted here.

The research facility was built in such a way that underground tunnels, connected to shafts, extended from a wall that reflected sound and pressure and extended far out into the sea in a star shape. By measuring the different pressures at which the water flowed into the shafts, the Etruscans were able to determine deviations from the average values and then draw conclusions. Unfortunately, I do not yet have any more detailed information about what these measuring devices looked like. However, vertical shafts in which the water shot up under pressure played an important role in the measurement. In later times, people will be able to understand these things again, when the Etruscans and Incas in particular have resumed their work for mankind.

The pyramids on the Crimean peninsula

In 2001, a large number of pyramids were discovered above and below ground on the Crimean peninsula, the age and function of which have so far been completely unknown. At present, 37 pyramids are known. Of these, 7 pyramids are said to be underground. An alien mummy is said to have been found in one of the pyramids, even wearing a crown on its head.

Before I explain what the pyramids are all about, who built them and for what purpose they were erected, I would first like to talk about the alleged alien mummy that was found in a pyramid. World Memory states that it is a "creative construction". It must therefore have been designed by humans and placed in the pyramid. This is a very clumsy attempt to mislead us. It is also claimed that the pyramids are 65 million years old. At that early time, aliens lived here on earth and created this recently discovered civilization.

Humans were not involved at all. As always, the intention of the "dark forces" behind these tall tales is to make people believe that all the great cultural achievements of the distant past were not created by humans, but by extraterrestrial or already extinct earthly beings. The ancestors of modern man are portrayed as simple savages, incapable of higher achievements, who all walked around swinging clubs. Above all, this is intended to give the impression that there were no writings or highly developed languages until 5000 years ago.

After this digression, however, we will now talk about the builders and operators of these magnificent buildings. Around 55,000 years ago, representatives of various peoples of our race came together to discuss the construction of a power plant of considerable size. They decided to carry out a major joint project and formed a council to draw up the overall and implementation plans, in which the heads of the priesthoods - usually also scientists - were represented. Large-scale construction projects were usually carried out jointly by several peoples in order to achieve the best possible result due to the different abilities of the peoples. In this case, the Etruscans were in charge together with the Chaldeans. The committee also included Wends - but not from the Gothic tribe - a German and several Indians. Indians were involved in the planning and construction because a counterpart to this complex was to be built in the inner earth, which was subsequently built there by them and operated in conjunction with the Crimean pyramids. The construction of the pyramids in the Crimea was then carried out by Germans, Wends, Etruscans, Indians of the inner earth and members of a now extinct human race of the outer earth that did not belong to our human race.

The purpose of this large-scale installation was to create a power network throughout the Earth's mantle that worked in a similar way to a combination of radar, sonar, radio and telephone networks. This enabled people to locate and record deposits of liquids and gas, deposits of ores and other raw materials as well as cavities worldwide. Even movements in the earth could be detected to a certain extent in this way.

To do this, our ancestors used a technology that is no longer available to us today and which we are currently unable to understand because we have lost the relevant knowledge of the laws of nature. I can only describe in general terms how the pyramids worked:

All the pyramids located in Crimea belong together and form a single large machine. Smaller units of about five pyramids are connected to each other to generate energy. The underground pyramids work together in groups just like the pyramids above ground. These small groups are not directly connected to each other. Instead, the energy generated by each group is directed into the earth, where it encounters cavities in the earth filled with crystals. The effect of the energy rays causes the earth crystals to release the information they contain about mineral resources, their location and composition, which in turn is passed on and collected by crystals located in the pyramids. Once decoded and analyzed, the information could be retrieved both in the inner earth and in the Crimea.

Before the plates fell, the pyramids in Crimea were also "mothballed" and made unrecognizable as far as possible. However, operating instructions are still available here too, which will one day be found in the new era. This facility can then also be put back into operation.

For the priesthood and the people, of course, it was not only the sciences that were important, but above all

sacrifices and gods.

In ancient times, when the Etruscans wanted to show their gratitude to the earth, they sacrificed fish they had caught. They sacrificed the etheric body of the fish to the earth and then held a feast at which they ate the fish they had caught. The Etruscan people had a special connection with the sea, as their entire settlement area stretched along the North Sea. The Etruscans naturally worshipped the god of the sea, because above all he had to be in their favor. He was their main god. They called him Dionysus with the accent on the Y. By pronouncing this name correctly and using the special sound, they were able to make contact with this god of nature.

In later times, the Greeks referred to this god as the god of wine and mispronounced his name so that it was no longer possible for them to make contact with this god. In contrast, the Greeks called the god of the sea Poseidon. The name of this god was changed once again by the Romans. They called him Neptunus. As you can see, completely new names were invented and introduced in each case, with which it was certainly no longer possible to establish a connection with the god of the sea.

From the true god of the sea, shipmasters could learn when and where large ocean eddies occur and how to avoid them. He could also warn of dangerous ocean currents and high wave crests and recommend safe routes. For a seafaring people, as we can see, he is actually indispensable. Coastal dwellers could also live more peacefully if he warned them of storm surges or giant waves. Every nature god is happy to pass on his knowledge to people on request.

Tasks of the Etruscans

In early times, the Etruscans were assigned the northern edge of the earth's continents as a settlement area by creation, because they were given the task of guarding and protecting the mouth of the earth (the North Pole), knowing everything about the earth and passing this on to all people. It is possible for them to receive messages directly from the earth and to take them either from the energetic currents rising evenly from the ground or from the air.

The northern and southern regions of the Earth are highly sensitive and extremely important areas because, as already mentioned, the Earth maintains its connection and also the exchange of energy with other planets and other celestial bodies via these regions. It is very disadvantageous for humans that the Etruscans are currently no longer fulfilling their task and the caps of the Earth have to be protected by ice shells. As a result, no - or only a few - messages from their mother, the Earth, can be sent to humans. People have even forgotten what the rough structure of the earth looks like. Their image of the earth as a solid sphere with a center of liquid metal is completely wrong. The world view of the earth in the Middle Ages, when the earth was still seen as a disk, was no worse. The Etruscans and Atlanteans should soon be able to play their part in understanding our planet, as they can perceive it in its true form. When the Etruscans get back to work, huge tasks await them.

The sacred place of the Etruscans

is the Kamschatka peninsula in the far north. Like all other sacred places, this place is divided into three parts: below, on and above the earth. The sacred place of the Etruscans teaches its people everything there is to know about the earth and its structure. It also conveys the knowledge that the destruction of life does not endure and that every downfall will inevitably lead to a new beginning. It follows from this realization that the currently very active "dark forces" will ultimately not achieve their goal.

The area above the earth

The peninsula has a very high density of volcanoes, a not inconsiderable number of which are constantly more or less active. This is part of the nature and function of this area. The information collected in the earth and brought by the volcanoes via the vents into the upper layers of air is distributed over the entire globe and thus made accessible to all life. This is the purpose of the steaming land of Kamchatka.

In the area on earth, life is constantly emerging anew in beautiful mountain meadows. After every icy winter, every volcanic eruption with the simultaneous destruction of life all around, nature recovers and proclaims with great joy that life always triumphs, even if death seems to gain the upper hand in the meantime. Life cannot be destroyed. This cycle of destruction and rebirth is shown here in infinite succession. Anyone who has felt the joy that emanates from the irrepressible will to live of these highland mountain meadows when they are in full bloom will never again doubt the accuracy of this statement. Likewise, there is no longer any doubt about the wisdom of life. If you want to experience this, go into the quiet mountain landscapes and let the high density of light take effect on you.

In the area under the earth, all knowledge about the structure of our planet and its composition is collected and brought to the volcanic vents. This includes knowledge about the water and water-bearing layers in the earth's interior, about caves and cavities, layers of the earth, the location of lava flows and lakes, gas and oil deposits and the center of the earth. Etruscans can of course also explain why there are no continental plates, what happens when the earth moves along the great rift valleys and what causes these movements. In due course, completely new perspectives on the processes on our planet should emerge.

One day, when the Etruscans return to their tasks, it will become clear that the center of the earth is not made of liquid iron, but of helium, which is surrounded by an envelope of air. This is followed on the outside by a broad shell-like belt of earth and rock layers with lava flows and lakes as well as water masses, which in turn is surrounded by air, namely the atmosphere enveloping the earth.

Seen from the inside, the earth has the following structure: Fire, air, water, earth, water and air again, whereby the helium core corresponds to our sun, while the lava in the rock layers belongs to the element earth. Inside the earth, the ratios are reversed.

The helium core represents the inner sun, which also rotates, but in the opposite direction to the earth's mantle. The ebb and flow in our world are triggered by the "heartbeat of the earth", whereby the helium core causes these phenomena through a uniformly recurring change in its energy, which extends to the edge of the outer air envelope. The habitable land and water area inside the Earth is about half the size of the Earth's surface. The size ratio between the helium core (the heart of Mother Earth) and the Earth's mantle corresponds to that between the human torso and its heart. Man was created by Mother Earth according to the same basic rules that she must also follow. She could only give mankind everything that she also possessed. Just as our children are like us, we are also the image of the earth.

As far as I know, the two poles of our earth have no direct connection to the inner earth, for example in the form of air-filled passages. Although there is a large depression in the Earth's crust at the South Pole, which was caused by a comet that fell in the distant past, there is certainly no large cavity there that leads into the Earth's interior. The layers of rock under the poles are less dense than the surrounding rock. This is necessary so that the rays with which the earth and other celestial bodies exchange messages with each other can penetrate the earth's mantle more smoothly and without loss.

The helium core, which rotates in the opposite direction to the earth's crust, has a direct influence on the speed and orbit of the moon. As the Moon has no other forces apart from its gravitational pull - it is a planetary body - its orbit is determined by the Earth's helium core. As the helium core rotates, it takes the dead body of the moon with it. The distance between our moon and the earth is determined on the one hand by the mass forces of the two celestial bodies and on the other hand by the forces of the inner sun. Perhaps it is possible for our physicists to calculate the corresponding speeds and forces.

If the earth did not rotate with its sun, the moon would be fixed in the sky and unable to move. The moon would not be able to rotate of its own accord, as a dead celestial body cannot create any kind of movement of its own accord. Only living beings can do this. Consequently, there is no axis of rotation on the moon and no working north and south pole. The moon's orbit is also influenced by the uniform increase and decrease in the force of the earth's helium core. This increasing and decreasing of the force causes ebb and flow - the heartbeat of the earth - and in combination with other forces also deforms the orbit of the moon. Incidentally, since the moon is now only a corpse, it is a considerable troublemaker in our solar system. Its supposedly beneficial effects on the growth of plants belong in the realm of inventions. In due course, this colossus will be disposed of from the solar system. (Illustration of the internally perceived hollow earth.)

Which materials, whether gases, liquids or liquid and solid rocks are located where and how they are stored, all this can be clarified by the Etruscans with the help of their sacred place. They can get answers to all questions relating to the material structure and forces of the earth. They also know which energies cause the earth's heartbeat and what consequences this has.

There are still many laws of nature for researchers to find answers to these and other fundamental questions. Furthermore, science should clarify the question of why the Earth's light density is highest along the equator. The light currently available to our Earth is concentrated in a fairly wide strip along the equator. Both the North and South Pools are almost lightless when viewed from the inside. After rediscovering the associated laws, scientists should also be able to partially cancel out the gravity of objects. In the future, when our Earth has taken its new place in the solar system, the entire globe will shine brightly without any darker parts. At present, it should be possible to determine the causes of the uneven distribution of light.

Furthermore, in the area below Kamschatka, all knowledge about the earth's internal catastrophes and shifts, including the possible shifts of the earth's parts (upper areas of the torso), is gathered and encoded. This is where the knowledge condenses and reaches a high level of clarity. It is now the task of the volcanoes to bring this knowledge to the light of day and to spread it far into the sky in order to ensure its necessary dissemination through the upper astral winds.

The sacred language of the Etruscans

is the early language of the Tartars. This original language is still spoken today in Lithuania, parts of Belarus, Poland and Russia.

The sacred script of the Etruscans

is the old Phoenician script. The Phoenicians, who are known to have been Etruscans of the Tartar tribe, brought this script with them from their homelands on the North Sea. A considerable number of the books used in the universities of their capital on the Ob were probably written in this script. The Greek script, on the other hand, is based on the Phoenician script, but is significantly modified. The Russian script was developed from it and adapted to the Slavic languages. This gradual transformation of the actual Holy Scriptures resulted in a script that no longer worked independently and was of no use whatsoever to the Etruscan people.

If you follow the development of the Phoenician script, you will also notice other strange origins: Carthaginians were Phoenicians. Phoenicians were Tartars (today's Russians). Tartars were Etruscans. So Carthaginians were also Etruscans. This is a completely new insight, but the only correct one.

The consequences of the destruction of the Etruscans

Unfortunately, the Etruscans can no longer explain to us how the earth works. We have no reliable knowledge of how it is constructed. We can no longer even determine whether there is life under the earth at all. The supposed knowledge of this, which has been presented to us as certain from an early age, is, if you take a closer look, ultimately largely based on assumptions, which are, however, widely presented in a tone of conviction. Time and again, incidents occur during test drilling for oil and gas that could not be predicted beforehand. We also do not know reliably what temperatures prevail in the earth's interior and whether these are evenly distributed or vary greatly. We also know far too little about the airspace above us and the extent to which it is influenced and changed by "dark forces", as we are not Etruscans.

Today, we completely lack a proper understanding of the Earth's gravitational forces and how these can be neutralized in individual cases. Although initial attempts are being made again by science, the results of such research are still completely inadequate, as can be seen from the fact that it is still not possible to reduce the weight of objects in order to enable the transportation of particularly heavy loads.

The laws behind the forces of earth and water would have to be completely re-explored. Current statements about the causes of high and low tides are incorrect. Predictions of high tides or major flooding are still subject to great uncertainty.

Knowledge of the currents in the upper layers of the earth's crust is also only rudimentary. Today, nobody knows why and when such changes will occur. All the knowledge about this was once among mankind. It is urgently necessary to leave the dark times and the dungeon masters behind us and to take up the knowledge that has come to all people and use it independently. The sound channels in the air, in the sea and under the earth should also be explored again. Although the military has knowledge of this, it is not very extensive and is not used for the transmission of information in the civilian sector. Laying cables for this purpose seems like a technology from the Middle Ages compared to the possibilities in the early days. In the future, "fast data transmission" via satellites will probably also be very different. These technologies will certainly become superfluous when sound channels can be used again.

As you can see from this, the ancient knowledge of the Etruscans is also urgently needed.