VII. The Urartian Chaldeans - the people of traders and guardians of the trade routes

Chadeans - Aramaic.
Chadeans - Aramaic.

This people is responsible for the physical well-being of the people. It is their task to ensure that all the necessary goods are available to everyone at the right time and in the right place. This cannot be achieved without an all-encompassing system of goods, valuation and money. They are responsible for the development of transportation routes and the relevant vehicles and aircraft. They ensure a fair balance in the exchange of goods and their payment. They have an innate sense of the value of goods. The money and credit system is also in good hands with them. Managers of large trading companies should belong to this people. They have no trouble coping with the tasks assigned to them.

Area of distribution

The Urartian Chaldeans lived in the Middle East. Their area of distribution extended from Iran, which was also populated by Gypsies and Brahmins, to Iraq, the Kurdish region (Kurds are not Turks, but Urartian Chaldeans, which is perhaps where the mutual dislike comes from), Lebanon, Israel and Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula to Egypt. They also settled on the African coast from Algeria via Libya to Morocco. The Canary Islands were also inhabited by a tribe of this people. Their area of distribution is therefore primarily the entire actual, not the political, habitat of the people we call Arabs today, but who are in fact Urartian Chaldeans.

In the early days of the Dark Ages, this great people was robbed of its name and replaced by the term Arabs. Until then, however, Arabs were only called commercial travelers in general. This name was therefore only a designation for their activity, but did not allow any conclusions to be drawn about their ancestry. It is always the same procedure: The ethnic or even tribal name is replaced by a completely different word that no longer opens up access to their holy place for the people concerned. The Jews were neither a people nor a tribe. Rather, the term "Jews" only indicated membership of a religious community, while the Israelites belonged to the Chaldeans as a tribe. The Babylonians and Assyrians were also Urartian Chaldeans, as were the desert tribes of the Tuareg and all other Bedouin tribes. In the coastal areas of Morocco, about half of the inhabitants were Atlanteans alongside the Chaldeans. The Moroccan tribe - also belonging to the Urartian Chaldeans - was very powerful and respected and had established Marrakesh as its capital.

The Sumerians occupied a somewhat special position, as they were not one tribe, but were made up of around 60% Chaldeans and 40% Gypsies. The name was derived from a ruling dynasty from the Sumer region. The mixed population was then named after this family name.


was a lively, internationally oriented, very old port city of the Chaldeans, which had already developed before the Dark Ages. In its beginnings, the city was given a very different name, which is still accessible in ancient writings and will be found. There was extensive trade in Ugarit, and many peoples and states were represented. The city was one of the main hubs for trade between the Far East, North and West Africa, South America and Europe. Written evidence of many different peoples can therefore be found in this area. Even the Incas had a permanent representation in this city and wrote reports and scientific treatises, which they kept in a library located there. They even left behind stone testimonies with their own writing.

The holy place of the Urartian Chaldeans

is the area to the east and south of Mount Ararat. Little Ararat next to it is not a holy mountain. Its area therefore does not belong to it.

The place of power of the Urartian Chaldeans provides this people with everything they need to know about trade, trade routes, money and means of transportation.

The area above the earth provides the Chaldeans with the knowledge about the most suitable trade routes and also about the traffic routes in the air, and in this respect also about which areas should be better avoided because there can be exceptionally strong air turbulence or because the air currents are unfavorable for aircraft. However, this knowledge does not extend to space travel. Information about the flight of birds, their course, altitude and times can also be found in the Holy Place of the Chaldeans. Everything related to aviation in the broadest sense can be queried here. The knowledge about the best possible construction of airships and airplanes or other flying devices is available there. So if an Urartian Chaldean had designed the Hindenburg Zeppelin and not a German, it would certainly not have crashed.

The sacred place of the Chaldeans gives them the ability to influence air travel advantageously or disadvantageously, to recognize weather conditions in good time by interpreting the signs and to predict their development. Meteorology was a very important branch of science, as the transportation of goods was usually dependent on favourable weather conditions.

The area on earth provides information about where the best trade routes are, where and when which needs exist or which goods should be transported from where to where. It also provides the best ways to send goods to their destination by motor vehicle, airplane, train, ship or even camel and donkey, so that the transport is as short and as gentle as possible.

The Chaldeans can also learn about the money and payment system from their Holy Place. Here they can learn which monetary, credit or barter systems are the best and which should be avoided because they only lead to war and ruin. Knowledge is also imparted about the material from which money should be made in order to be used for the good of all. It is explained which metals, precious stones, other things or objects are best used as money and for what reasons, and which are unsuitable for this purpose. This knowledge is very important for the peaceful and prosperous coexistence of peoples. If advantageous and firmly established monetary systems are used, many a war can be avoided. Today, monetary systems have no intrinsic value and will therefore be one of the causes of major wars in the near future.

The area under the earth provides knowledge about the possibilities of inner-earth transportation. The first, still rather inadequate beginnings in this direction can already be seen in the subway railroads. The best route for tunnel construction can also be determined here. In the future, tunnels and passages through the earth will be able to be used for the transportation of all types of goods as well as people. The exact location of tunnels, passages and branches and their design - i.e. the entire underground route network - can also be taken from the underground area. Such a network already exists. It has been and is still being developed in large areas by the gnomes, but its natural appearance gives us the impression that it was only created by chance due to inner-earth conditions. The way in which these passages can be expanded and altered with equipment and systems is also described, as are the goods that can be transported there. In the future, trade and the transportation of goods will largely take place underground. This is desirable for energy-saving reasons alone, as the routes within the earth can generally be direct and therefore shorter. The transportation of goods and people to the inner earth will also take place via these existing connections.xx

The holy language

of the Chaldeans is Ural-Aramaic - a very old Aramaic. Perhaps this language can still be saved. Hebrew was a subspecies. There are still people who speak this language in its original form. Many members of this great people could learn the Holy Language from them and then ensure that good and safe transportation links are available again. Jesus is said to have spoken Aramaic.

The Holy Scriptures

of the Urartian Chaldeans are the Urartian hieroglyphs and the old form of the sacred cuneiform script, from which a modified cuneiform script emerged, which was used by the Chaldeans in everyday life for labeling goods and the like.

The Urartian hieroglyphs, on the other hand, were the script used in the temples. It was also used for the inscriptions on most public buildings. It is much more expressive than cuneiform and very sacred.

The Phaistos Disc is one of the very few surviving finds on which this sacred temple script can still be seen. It was brought to Crete from the Near East and was by no means part of the Minoan culture.

The Babylonians and Babylon

The Babylonians were an important tribe of the Urartian Caldeans. Their capital was Babylon, which is mentioned in the Bible as Babel. This city is not what modern scholars call Babylon, whose foundations have been partially excavated and where the Ishtar Gate has been discovered. The real Babylonian capital was located on the site of modern-day Baghdad and had its center in the area of the so-called green zone used by the Americans at the time. Ancient Babylon had a considerable extent and was densely populated. Because of its political and economic importance and not least because of its impressive buildings, it has been described many times in literature. The city was destroyed by a severe fire caused by an accident. Oil began to burn and could no longer be extinguished because open oil channels ran through the entire city like water pipes. Storage tanks were sunk into the ground at road junctions, from which the population could obtain fuel free of charge. When this system caught fire, the fire quickly spread through the network of oil pipelines, engulfing the entire city in flames. Due to the extensive destruction, the city was not rebuilt at first. Too many people died in agony at that time.

This Babylon contained both the high tower and the golden calf, which was not just a myth but actually existed. It was a representation of a young cow. The statue was thickly gilded. It represented the goddess of fertility, who was worshipped by parts of the population. Gold was therefore not worshipped here as an object of value, as is wrongly portrayed in the Bible, but rather the goddess symbolized by it, who stood for motherliness and fertility.

Babylon was a very wealthy city that had become large, rich and prosperous through trade, for which the people of the Urartian Chaldeans are responsible according to Creation. The date of the foundation of Baghdad known today was only the date of the much later re-founding of the city that had existed in the area long before.

The Tower of Babylon

was exceptionally tall for the time. It was probably even the tallest building in the ancient world. It was located in Babylon in a place that was sacred because of the earth's rays. This tower was built in accordance with sacred geometry in order to make the energy paths easily perceptible and usable. It was a purely functional building that was erected to observe the weather. Measurements of winds, cloud speeds and air currents were carried out on the tower. By observing the forces of the earth at the same time, it was possible to predict storms and tempests. It was for this objective reason, and not because of the arrogance of the city's inhabitants, that the tower was so tall.

Astronomy was only practiced in this tower from the perspective of meteorology. Stars, planets and outer space were only studied here insofar as they could influence the weather. Weather forecasts were particularly important in Babylon because important trade routes intersected in the city and traders were dependent on reliable information before moving on. Needless to say, the priesthood was also responsible for scientific research here. In the vicinity of the tower, knowledge about meteorology was passed on to students.

At that time, the various fields of knowledge were always viewed in a unified way. The connection between the forces of the universe, the earth and the air was established and evaluated. Today, weather forecasts do not take into account the forces of the earth or the universe with its planets and stars. Perhaps this is the reason why scientists are no longer able to adequately predict severe weather and storms that build up very quickly. They repeatedly make serious mistakes that lead to major damage if the population is not warned in time.

"The Hanging Gardens of Babylon"

The Hanging Gardens were something very special and a place where people's souls could be restored and where they had the opportunity to make contact with the realm of plants in order to gain very special insights. This complex was built by the priests of the Atlanteans for the Urartian Chaldeans in gratitude for the fact that they had accepted them and their people in peace in time before the Atlantean plate collapse. The Atlanteans were masters of flowers and light and knew everything that had to do with them. They were therefore able to create a complex in which one was surrounded on all sides - even from above - by flowering plants. At its core, the complex consisted of several interconnected columned halls, in which the hanging plants conjured up a canopy of flowers from above, held up by the columns with their connections. The plants were selected in such a way that they created a different kind of vibration in each of the halls through their different scents on the one hand and their radiance, arrangement and color on the other. If a person spent time in one of these halls, they absorbed the respective vibration without doing anything and the thoughts and moods attached to it flowed through them. As a result, visitors to the complex experienced a great sense of well-being while at the same time absorbing the knowledge of the different plant world.

As was almost always the case in the world of that time, it was not about ostentation and the display of wealth and opulence as it is today, but about a gain for mind and soul.

It goes without saying that these halls, which were surrounded by living plants instead of masonry walls, were admired by all visitors for their beautiful design and harmonious appearance. The flowers had not only been chosen for their fragrance, radiance and color, but also for the way they complemented and enhanced each other.

In addition, the beds, tubs and boxes were arranged according to strict geometric patterns, which enhanced the plants' inherent power and made their special effect possible in the first place. The remains of the "Hanging Gardens" can still be found today. Flowers still grow there and, on closer inspection, the signs and floor plans of the halls can still be seen. Outside the halls, a large area was designed with planted signs and an overview board at the entrance to the grounds inviting visitors to explore.

The current name of the gardens "the hanging gardens of Semiramis" does not go back to a woman or a king or anything similar; rather, Semiramis was the name of the Atlantean master builder.

The false Babylon

In ancient times, the place believed by scholars to be the capital of Babylon was a university city. Priests and priestesses were trained here and people from all over the world were taught technology, crafts, caravans and trade. Priests from other peoples could train here and be introduced to the achievements of the Urartian people. Even Amazons from South America could be found here. There was an extraordinary cultural diversity.

The tower next to the temple, which was much smaller than the widely famous Tower of Babel in ancient times, was not used for astronomy in any way, but was built with the help of the Atlanteans according to sacred geometry to act as a vibration amplifier for this place. This building was also included in the religious celebrations.

The city itself must have been of a considerable size, as many people regularly stayed there for study purposes and were provided for by the local population. The buildings housed lecture halls, workshops, student and priest dormitories and the homes of the local population. In addition to the main temple, there were other smaller temples.

The area around the tower was already sacred before the city was founded and was therefore well suited for the desired expansion of people's knowledge. In the past, such places were often upgraded with pyramids, basilicas or stone circles to enhance people's vibrations.

New gods

In the period after the first appearance of the "dark forces", scientific operations were partially discontinued, other gods were installed, and the purpose of the site was changed by leaving the facilities unused or misappropriating them. References to the sanctity of the place were removed, records were destroyed, the population who knew about it were relocated and the place was covered in pomp and ostentation. As a result, only "normal" life took place in this city in the following period. In this context, it should not be forgotten that the old gods and saints were always "dethroned" and replaced by new, invented gods with invented names.

Here, too, this was done in order to prevent people from connecting with their spiritual teachers and in this way to end the flow of knowledge. This is particularly clear - as it is still comprehensible - in the example of ancient Rome. Here, hardly any names corresponded to the traditional names of the gods. The gods could no longer be addressed correctly under the wrong names. It was therefore no longer possible to establish access to them, so that they could no longer assist people. It also happened that the original name was still available, but then either the area for which the god was actually responsible was no longer known or the pronunciation of the name was no longer correct, which also led to an interruption in communication. As a result, the "dark forces" had achieved their goal of confusing everything so that people could no longer access the gods. Here too, as always, the aim was to separate people from all knowledge. This has been almost completely achieved in modern times. The ignorance in many areas is therefore downright frightening.

Unfortunately, the excavations of the actual Babylon are not being carried out. It remains to be hoped that later generations will set about this work in order to bring back the history of the Babylonian people, today's Iraqis.


The "dark forces" are working to lead humanity into slavery. They will use any means to achieve this. In order to eliminate as many people as possible, they ensure that large numbers of them are killed. The quickest way to achieve this is through wars, natural disasters, epidemics or extermination camps. At present, the entire territory of the Urartian Chaldeans is being overrun by war. Discord is being sown among the tribes of the people in various ways so that people kill each other. This is facilitated by the fact that today they no longer recognize that they belong to one and the same people. The Urartian people are therefore currently threatened with extinction. Unfortunately, the people in these areas are being blinded by religious beliefs and other promises and are still being driven into a fratricidal war that distracts them from the attacks of foreign powers. Discord among people is increasingly being promoted today with signs and symbols that create a detrimental basic vibration. In no small measure, the signs that bring destruction, fratricidal war and foreign domination to a people are even found on the respective flags. The flags of the countries of the Middle East are particularly affected by this.


When the people of the Urartian Chaldeans wanted to express their gratitude, they sacrificed spices. Myrrh is a sacred spice and was mainly used for ceremonies in addition to its general use as a spice and remedy. Myrrh was also used to burn incense. Sacred plants have an extraordinarily high light vibration, which means they can have a beneficial effect on the entire human organism.

Consequences of the destruction of the Urartian Chaldeans

The Urartian Chaldeans can only give us their knowledge of the extraordinary possibilities of subterranean transportation routes once they have regained the ability to live their peculiarities. But this people could also make a significant contribution to a better world above ground.

At present, human achievements are being completely misjudged worldwide. Money is completely out of control and haggling has reached unimaginable proportions. Money is currently created freely and therefore has hardly any value. Our current monetary system is based on a system of debt and no longer - as would be correct - on a system of value. The Urartian Chaldeans would have to work quickly to re-establish a fixed payment system worldwide. The excesses of money lending must be stopped. The Israelites are probably the right tribe to implement this comprehensively, as they have a good feel for dealing with money. Due to the influence of the "dark forces", this tribe was no longer able to assume its responsibility for a global currency and payment system. As a result, monetary transactions have degenerated to a particular degree. Money is increasingly being used to the detriment of people rather than for their benefit. Under the influence of the "dark forces", a monetary system has been developed that ultimately leads all people into impoverishment. This money and credit system is known as fiat money. Here, money is "created" from scratch at the moment a bank customer is granted a loan and credited by the bank.

Money created in this way also increases the bank's assets in the future, giving it a claim that further increases its ability to borrow. The only real thing about money created in this way is the public's false assumption that a loan is backed by collateral of some kind from the bank and that the bank provides the borrower with something of its own. When the vast majority of the population understands that money "created" in this way really only exists in the imagination without actually being there, the time has come when the concept of finding money collapses and with it the global economy. This will throw the world's population into such an uproar that its effects will be cause for the "dark forces" to rejoice. Their main aim is to provoke the most violent and detrimental expressions of human emotion possible and to get high on them, just as an addict gets high on drugs. Such an insecure world population can also be excellently controlled and steered or driven in the desired direction like a flock of sheep. Power and drug excesses are mutually dependent and feed the sinister intentions of the "dark forces". No one should underestimate their hateful evil intentions; they are inconceivable to the average person.

After gaining unrestricted rule over the ruling elites, it is easy for the "dark forces" to lead all of humanity into dissolution and impoverishment. If the tribe of the Israelites had opposed the destruction of their sacred language and the forgetting of their sacred place, it would not have been possible to misuse the people of this tribe to destroy the monetary system. They would not have put their abilities at the service of the "dark forces", as they would have continued to be supplied from their sacred place with the beneficial, correct and beneficial knowledge of the best possible money and credit system for mankind. They would have been immediately aware of the reprehensibility of their current actions, which must ultimately lead to the downfall of the existing system, and they would never have contributed to leading humanity into the abyss with the current monetary system.

The correct valuation of services and goods and the corresponding consideration is also of the utmost importance. Otherwise, an adequate distribution of abundance on earth cannot be guaranteed. Too great an imbalance here - as has arisen in the present day - can even trigger wars that are supposed to lead to fairer distribution but almost always have the opposite effect.

Israeli merchants should be in charge of the scales - weighing is the most important part of evaluating a service - because no one else can ensure their correct use better than they can.

Nowadays, the flow of goods no longer takes the quickest and shortest route to the people, but is "carted" around the globe by the strangest of detours, often deliberately for the sole purpose of obtaining some kind of state benefit.

It would be desirable to simplify the flow of goods for the benefit and prosperity of the people. A lot of unnecessary work and unnecessary consumption of energy and power could be avoided. A people who know all about trade, transportation and the value of goods of all kinds, will contribute greatly to the increased welfare of mankind by passing on this knowledge.

Let us hope that the Urartian Chaldeans will soon resume their work so that the people can live in the material prosperity and abundance to which they are entitled. Through the fair exchange of goods, poverty and hunger can be overcome.

Children's Rosary in Aramaic (Surath/Chaldean) | Joyful Mysteries (