The Third Testament
Chapter 20 – Mary, the maternal love of God
The earthly existence of Mary in humility
1 If the present man with all his science is not able to subject the elements of nature to his will - how could he then impose his power on the spiritual forces?
Chapter 22 - Love, care and grace of God
The Love of the Heavenly Father
1 Disciples: If my word comes to you and you do not understand it, you doubt it. But I tell you: If uncertainty torments you, withdraw into the solitude of the fields and there, in the midst of nature, where you have only the open fields, the mountains and the firmament as witnesses, question your Master once more. Deepen yourselves...
1 Before there were worlds, before all creatures and matter came to life, my Divine Spirit already existed. But as an All-unity I felt an immeasurable emptiness within me, for I was like a king without subjects, like a master without disciples. For this reason, I made the plan to create similar beings for myself, to whom I would dedicate...
Chapter 25 - Nature
1 I have taught you to see God as the All-One, as the wonder without limits to your spiritual imagination, as the force that causes movement and action throughout the universe - as the life that is revealed both in the simplest plant and in those worlds that orbit to millions in the universe without any of them disobeying the law that governs them....
Chapter 26 - Other Worlds
The Universal Light of Christ
Chapter 27 - The Beyond
The necessary knowledge of spiritual life